5 Best Martial Arts for Kids – Are They Safe?

Best Martial Arts for Kids

Today, training in martial arts can be somewhat risky. Because of that, knowing which are the best martial arts for kids will be highly valuable. That way, you’ll be able to be confident that there’s no risk involved. 

The following list is the best martial arts for kids. (#1 = Best)

  1. Judo
  2. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  3. Wrestling
  4. Karate
  5. Kung Fu

Martial arts will assist your children in developing themselves into better individuals. Training in martial arts can grant your kid many benefits, including increased confidence and self-esteem and lower violence. 

Because of that, signing your kids up for martial arts classes is wise. Yet, it may be scary. Because of that, we’ll discuss the five best ones for kids. As such, you’ll send them with complete confidence and belief in the system. 

I wish my parents would have signed me up for martial arts lessons. If it were to happen, I would’ve been a different person. Next, we’ll discuss each fighting style and what makes them suitable for children. 


5. Kung Fu

Martial ArtSafetyBenefitsRisks
Kung fu8/10Better physical shape
Kung fu characteristics

One of my favorite fighting styles is Kung fu. By doing it, not only will you become a solid fighter, but you’ll also grow your inner self. Yet, the question is whether it’s suitable for kids. The short answer is yes. 

Kung fu is a martial art that utilizes various movements to beat the opponent, such as striking, kicking, and grappling. Kung fu incorporates meditation and spiritual drills. Consequently, not only will you become a solid fighter, but you’ll also develop your Qi or inner self.  

Overall, it’s a safe fighting style both for kids and adults. As such, signing up your children for it is wise. I recommend you research your area to find a qualified school with plenty of positive reviews. That way, you’ll ensure you’re not sending your kids to a random school. 

Additionally, because it doesn’t incorporate plenty of sparring, it’s considered a safe fighting style. On top of that, if the instructor is qualified your children won’t have any risk of getting injured. 

If you’re not familiar with the Shaolin monks, they’re a group of individuals who practice Shaolin Kung fu. The Shaolin monks are peaceful, calm, stress-free, and solid fighters. A big part of that lifestyle and mindset comes back to Kung fu

If you want to read more about the Shaolin monks and Kung fu’s effect on them, follow the link to an article of mine.

“Physiological benefits (e.g., aerobic capacity and bone density) may be associated with long-term Kung Fu practice.” 


Although there’s no clear evidence that Kung fu benefits one’s health, it’s clear that it does. From personal experience, I’ve had incredible spiritual growth from doing Shaolin Kung fu. Consequently, I highly encourage you to send your kid to it. 

Kung fu will eventually increase your child’s confidence and self-esteem. In addition, it will decrease stress and violence. As such, it’s suitable for kids as much as for adults. 

I’ll include a video of basic Kung fu movements. That way, you’ll know what to expect from training. It’s an incredible martial art that’s suitable for kids and adults as one. 

Shaolin Kung Fu Basic Moves

4. Karate

Martial ArtSafetyBenefitsRisks
Karate7/10Knowing self-defense
Learning the culture
Better physical shape
Increased confidence
Better self-esteem
Karate characteristics

One of the oldest martial arts is Karate. The people of Okinawa first constructed it to teach them self-defense. Consequently, it’s highly relevant for such purposes today. Additionally, it’s safe and therefore suitable for children. 

Karate is a martial art that utilizes various techniques and movements, such as striking and kicking. Today, it’s widespread, and thus many people watch its competitions. As a result, many qualified schools dedicate themselves to the art of Karate. Hence finding a safe one for children is easy. 

It’s as safe as I mention because it’s mostly self-work. Unlike other fighting styles, you don’t have to spar to progress. Because of that, I didn’t include Boxing or Kickboxing in the list.

“Findings suggest that karate practice may improve self-esteem, physical self-perception, and exercise self-efficacy in young adults…” 


Eventually, you’ll learn many fighting techniques. Karate’s essence is self-defense. As such, it’ll be highly effective for such a purpose. Because of that, one of the benefits your kid will experience is knowing to use physical force wisely. 

Such a trait is valuable in today’s world. Because of that, one will be less violent and will use physical force less often. The common belief is the opposite. Thus if you learn to fight, you’ll want to test your new skillset and fight. However, that cannot be further from the truth. (Source)

Additionally, Karate incorporates plenty of “spiritual training.” As a result, your child can benefit from going through such drills. It’ll increase calmness, peacefulness, self-confidence, and self-esteem, and reduce stress. These are all priceless. Because of that, signing your kid to a martial art class is wise. 

If you want to learn more about Karate and whether it’s effective for self-defense, follow the link to an article of mine. 

Following that, a video about Karate and why it’s suitable for kids. I encourage you to watch the video, as it may grant you more confidence in martial art

Karate Kids Basic Training

3. Wrestling

Martial ArtSafetyBenefitsRisks
Wrestling6/10Better physical shape
Provides an outlet for the children
Knowing self-defense
Wrestling characteristics

One of the more prevalent sports in the United States is Wrestling. Today, many are enjoying watching athletes compete in such a sport. If you thought of WWE when I said Wrestling, we need to talk. I, of course, refer to the martial art that’s Wrestling and not to the entertainment one. 

Wrestling is a martial art that utilizes various grappling techniques to pin the opponent to the ground. Because it doesn’t involve any kicking or striking, it’s safer than other fighting styles. As a result, training in it is suitable for children. 

It doesn’t teach as many relevant self-defense techniques as other martial arts, such as Judo. Although you learn to pin an opponent to the ground, which is practical for dangerous situations, it’s no more than that.

However, it’s highly effective and beneficial to children. Because it doesn’t incorporate any dangerous movements or drills, everyone can enjoy Wrestling. It improves self-confidence and flexibility, and it betters physical shape. As a result, learning it is valuable. 

Overall, numerous martial arts are highly effective for kids. As a result, you should feel safe signing your kids into qualified schools which teach them. 

Most importantly, your kid will be capable of using the skills he learned in Wrestling to protect himself and others. As a result, he’ll become of high self-confidence and self-esteem. Such traits are rare these days and therefore admiringly desirable. 

Wrestling Kids Class

2. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Martial ArtSafetyBenefitsRisks
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu6/10Better physical shape
Lower aggression levels
BJJ characteristics

One of the best martial arts in the world is Jiu-Jitsu. Although Jiu-Jitsu has many sub-styles, there’s one I would like to discuss, which is Brazilian-Jiu-Jitsu. Such a form is the sports type of Jiu-Jitsu, and therefore it has more rules and restrictions. Additionally, it will better teach discipline and work ethic to your kid. 

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or BJJ is a martial art that utilizes grappling and submission techniques. Because these movements aren’t as dangerous as other ones, such as striking, BJJ is a safer martial art. As a result, it’s suitable for kids and adults- as one. 

Today, many people train in BJJ. In fact, it’s one of the most popular fighting styles worldwide. Because of that, every country, especially the US will have a qualified Jiu-Jitsu school. Consequently, you can find one that’s suitable for children in no time.

Next up is a video that shows a roll (Spar) between two children who train in Jiu-Jitsu. You’ll see that they’re capable individuals, even at a young age

Jiu-Jitsu for Kids

Training in Jiu-Jitsu isn’t only safe, but it also provides many benefits to practitioners. For instance, one can expect better confidence, self-esteem, and self-defense capability. As such, it’s a practical fighting style you should learn. 

“Generally speaking, the data supports martial arts as an effective self-care practice for mental health professionals. That is a significant finding because martial arts are growing as an extra-curricular activity, arguably due to its glorification through the entertainment industry and as a means of physical fitness.” (Source)

1. Judo

Martial ArtSafetyBenefitsRisks
Judo8/10Better physical shape
Knowing self-defense
Decreased violence and aggression
Judo characteristics

My number one pick for the best martial arts for kids is Judo. Let me explain why. First, we’ll examine the safety of the fighting style. Because Judo doesn’t include any striking or kicking drills, getting punched isn’t a concern. Yet, you can choke and submit. How’s that safe?

Judo is a martial art that’s purpose is to pin, master, or throw your opponent to the ground. Because it doesn’t incorporate any striking or kicking techniques, it’s safe for kids. Additionally, it teaches valuable and practical skills to use in real life.

What makes it stand out from all the other martial arts? Essentially, a child who knows Judo can use both self-defense and self-development. Consequently, the kid will have a practical set of skills for the rest of one’s life. Because of that, it’s typical that kids who practice Judo will have high self-esteem. 

“Training in martial arts has been shown to alter experiences of control and vulnerability, self-esteem, self-concept, fitness, confidence, and relaxation. As a result, some researchers characterize martial arts practice as a form of self-help.”

(Columbus & Rice, 1998)

Surprisingly enough, Judo was one of the main fighting styles in this piece of research. As such, they proved it affects many psychological and physical parts of your behavior positively.

Furthermore, it’s a form of self-help. Today, exercising, in general, is a form of self-help and self-development. Yet, we can learn self-defense while bettering our physical shape and mental state. It’s a win-win situation. 

If there were any risks, I would’ve told you otherwise. Yet, there’s very little risk in training Judo, especially in a kids’ class. Because of that, I believe there’s solely winning by signing up your children for Judo lessons. 

Because it’s an Olympic sport, it’s widespread. As such, many qualified schools teach the art of Judo. Thus it won’t be demanding to find a solid school with separated kids’ classes. 

Following that is a video demonstrating a Judo class for kids. In it, you’ll see everything your kids will go through if you sign them into such a class. I highly recommend watching the video, as it will reassure you.

Kids Judo Training

What martial art is best for my child

Although young children shouldn’t decide the martial art they’ll attend, knowing they’ll have fun is crucial. Because of that, you can consider safety. However, if your kid won’t enjoy training, there’ll be no progression and benefits. 

Judo is the best martial art for children because it’s safe and beneficial. As a result, by consistently training in Judo, your child will increase his confidence, self-esteem, and self-trust, and decrease violence, aggression, stress, and anger. As such, Judo is suitable both for kids and adults. 

Next, I created a table for the issue you’re experiencing right now. If you’re hesitant about sending your children to martial arts classes, I recommend you view the table. Not only will it give you perspective, but it’ll also present the relevant information.

Martial ArtSafetyBenefitsRisks
Judo8/10Better physical shape
Knowing self-defense
Decreased violence and aggression
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu6/10Better physical shape
Lower aggression levels
Wrestling6/10Better physical shape
Provides an outlet for the children
Knowing self-defense
Karate7/10Knowing self-defense
Learning the culture
Better physical shape
Increased confidence
Better self-esteem
Kung fu8/10Better physical shape
Distinct martial arts and their characteristics

As you can see, the risks are the same. Martial arts training for kids presents two issues. The first is overtraining – secondly, sparring. You can allow an unqualified school to keep your kids safe. A solid school will ensure both of these aspects don’t injure anyone. Thus I highly encourage you to research your local area to find a positively reviewed school.

What martial art is the safest

Overall, the safest martial arts don’t correlate with this list. If you’re familiar with Tai Chi and Qigong, these are the safest ones. However, they’re not as practical as other fighting styles, such as Judo. Because of that, consider your child’s wants and needs. 

The safest martial art for kids is Judo because it doesn’t incorporate any striking or punching. Additionally, it teaches techniques that don’t provide a danger to other children. Yet, it’s effective and valuable. Lastly, it provides plenty of benefits to kids, such as confidence and self-esteem. 

I wrote an article on the safest martial arts that are effective. If you’re interested in learning more about these, follow the link to an article on mine. 

Martial arts benefit the physical and psychological aspects of children. As a result, kids should train at a young age in martial arts. Judo is no exception. Your children will profit from doing it. As a result, I recommend you research a qualified school in your local area.

From personal experience, Judo helped me tremendously when I was a child. I remember my mother mentioning that I was always excited to go and confident when I came back. 

Benefits of martial arts for kids

First, as you may know, martial arts have changed my life. I’ve experienced every benefit I’ll mention in this post. However, both kids and adults can have them. 

The following list is the benefits of martial arts for kids.

  • Increase self-confidence
  • Lower physical and verbal aggression
  • Lower stress levels
  • Provide an outlet 
  • Martial arts make kids less violent
  • Teach to use self-defense
  • Enhance self-esteem

There’s a reoccurring theme in this list. As you can see, these are highly desirable traits, even in adults. As a result, if your children can be confident from such a young age, they’ll be set for life. Additionally, they’ll be less violent and stressed. 

The main point is that martial arts schools provide an outlet for the trainees. As a result, the kids will have a non-judgmental environment to be themselves. Thus they’ll greatly benefit from such a surrounding.

Because of that, they’ll be capable of developing themselves while training and post-training. Hence the children become competent and skilled. I wrote an entire article citing pieces of research to ensure the information was correct. I recommend you visit this article if you desire to read more about the benefits of martial arts for kids


Eventually, martial arts will have a positive influence on kids. They provide the trainees with a non-judgmental environment. Thus they can develop and grow as human beings. They’ll become more confident and capable individuals. 

Additionally, they’ll know how to fight appropriately. As a result, your kids not only will understand how to defend themselves but also others. Such a trait is valuable in kids. 

If you want to read about the best martial arts for dealing with ADHD, follow the link to an article of mine. 

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I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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