Why Martial Arts Are Actually Useful | Helpful Guide

Are Martial Arts Useful

When I began training in martial arts, I wasn’t aware of the amount of value I’ll gain over the years. Learning martial arts will provide plenty of benefits and positive experiences to the trainees. As such, they became popular amongst people who desired to develop themselves.

Martial arts are useful because they provide value both physically and mentally. As a result, one can grow from training in such an activity. For instance, studies showed that training in martial arts could increase confidence, and better self-esteem and physical condition.

Many correlate martial arts with violence and fights. However, I wrote an article on why it reduces anger and hostility. Because of that, most people don’t understand the benefits and positive effects it can have on a person. We’ll discuss just that in this article. 

Before continuing, I wrote a complete guide on training martial arts at home. If you’re incapable of investing money in such classes, you may want to look for ways to practice at home. That way, you’ll be capable of progressing for low amounts. 

Are martial arts effective in a fight?

Throughout history, there were warriors and fighters. These individuals learned fighting styles and therefore were solid fighters. As time passed, it became to be a martial art. Many elite combatants use distinct traditional techniques, such as Karate to dominate their competition. 

Martial arts are effective in fights because their purpose is to teach people fighting techniques. As a result, martial arts trainees will be capable of fighting. For instance, the people of Okinawa first created Karate to teach them self-defense movements. 

Most Effective Martial Arts in Real Fights

Overall, many people use martial arts to learn to fight. Today, there are both traditional and modern fighting styles. Depending on your goal, you’ll decide which one you want to practice. 

All martial arts hold fighting value. However, some are focused on spirituality rather than practicality. 

You may not understand why someone would want to train their spirituality. We need to notice a group of people who have been doing Kung fu since their existence and therefore are complete individuals. 

This group is the Shaolin monks. They’ve been training in Shaolin Kung fu since they built their temple. They used Kung fu to practice spirituality and meditation techniques. As a result, not only are they familiar with a variety of fighting techniques, but they’re also peaceful and stress-free.

Shaolin Monk Final Test

Because of that, learning a martial art will highly benefit your well-being. Not only will you better your physical health because it’s a great workout, but you’ll also become a complete individual, who can deal with stressful situations calmly. Reduced stress and anger and increased confidence and self-esteem are a few benefits you may experience. 

Should you learn a martial art?

Martial arts will provide many benefits to the trainee. Because of that, many turn to it to develop themselves. Yet, many are hesitant when it comes to starting the actual training. However, the answer is relatively simple. 

Learning a martial art is a wise decision because the techniques you’ll learn hold value and are practical. As a result, you’ll learn to fight while developing your inner self. For instance, one can expect to notice confidence and self-esteem increase.

martial arts

Overall, there isn’t a single part of my body that’ll tell you not to learn martial arts. It’ll change your life. 

From personal experience, I’ve noticed numerous benefits I cannot even count. As such, I’m writing this post with complete confidence and certainty. 

Today, there are many types of martial arts. Because of that, you may get confused when deciding which one to learn. Thus I wrote an article for people just like you. Read more about the five best martial arts you can and should start training

Additionally, if you don’t know self-defense, you should worry. I’ve witnessed and gone through several dangerous situations where my martial arts background allowed me to be confident. As a result, I didn’t even have to use the techniques I practiced because I was so sure of myself. 

Because of that, you’ll know to react to dangerous scenarios. While some fighting styles hold more practicality, all have some value. As a result, if someone says Tai Chi is useless, you can slap him for me. Read more about genuine useless martial arts by following the link

“Training in martial arts has been shown to alter experiences of control and vulnerability, self-esteem, self-concept, fitness, confidence, and relaxation. As a result, some researchers characterize martial arts practice as a form of self-help.” (Columbus & Rice, 1998).

To summarize, martial arts training will get you in shape, teach you how to fight and increase your self-esteem and self-confidence. It’ll provide further benefits. However, we can’t cover them all in a single article. If you want to know the entire list of martial arts benefits, read a post of mine by following the link. 

What martial art is the most useful?

As I’ve mentioned, there are many fighting styles you can and should learn. In fact, there are dozens of effective ones. Because of that, you may not be familiar with the pros and cons of each one. That said, some hold more practical techniques and therefore are more beneficial. 

Jeet Kune Do is the most useful martial art because of its dynamic and practical nature. As a result, learning will provide high value to the trainees. For instance, Jeet Kune Do incorporates striking, kicking, grappling, and choking movements which are all effective.

Jeet Kune Do in MMA

Because of that, elite fighters use Jeet Kune Do techniques to dominate their opponents. Not only can they cause massive damage quickly, but their competition doesn’t know the appropriate defense for such movements. 

The same applies to self-defense. If you know JKD, you’ll become a solid fighter. Not only will you understand how to attack, but you’ll comprehend how to get hit without moving an inch. As such, JKD is highly effective in dangerous situations. 

That said, many other martial arts hold similar values. For instance, MMA and Krav Maga are practical fighting styles with effective techniques. They’re dynamic and adaptive and therefore beneficial. 

I wrote an article ranking the deadliest martial arts in the world from #1-#11. As a result, it may insight you into which one you should learn. I highly recommend you read it. 

Benefits of martial arts

Martial arts training will provide both physical and mental benefits. Because you’ll invest plenty of effort, you’ll expect to notice some changes, even the slightest. 

One of the earlier changes you’ll see is better physical condition. Post the first session you’ll wake up sore. That’s a sign you invested in physical effort. Now, with proper nutrition, you’ll promote hypertrophy

Following that, you’ll notice the more drastic changes, which can vary from increased confidence to being more aware. To adapt your expectations to reality, I’ll say that you may not notice any benefits at first. I assure you, with consistency, you’ll see some benefits. 

The following list is the benefits martial arts trainees can expect to gain. 

  • better physical shape
  • increase self-confidence
  • improve pain tolerance
  • teach you to use self-defense
  • decrease overall stress
  • assist you in controlling aggressiveness
  • shorten reaction time
  • improve your performance under stress
  • enhance self-esteem
  • better social life
  • martial arts are a form of self-help

As you can see, the list is incredible. All of these are desirable in today’s world. If one can achieve only a single of these benefits, one’s life can change positively. However, you may notice a few, which are tremendous. 

Overall, the benefits of learning martial arts are worth the effort and the money. That said, some may not be suitable for you. As such, I recommend you to follow one of the previous links, so you’ll understand which ones interest you. As a result, you’ll stay consistent and notice more benefits. 


Eventually, learning martial arts hold value. You’ll develop both your inner and physical self. As such, you’ll get into shape while becoming more confident. To top it off, you’ll also learn to fight, which is highly desirable in today’s world. 

Knowing you can protect yourself and others around you will cause a change in your mindset. You’ll be capable and confident. You can get all that with consistent training and investing effort into training. Although it may be difficult, your journey is ahead of you. 

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Here are other articles you’d enjoy reading:

7 Ways Martial Arts Help with Self-Improvement

7 Best Fighting Styles in the World – Breakthrough

Do Martial Arts Really Work? Pros & Cons

Should I Learn a Martial Art? Complete Beginners Guide

The 11 Deadliest Martial Arts in the World – Breakdown

11 Valuable Reasons to Learn Martial Arts | Benefits

9 Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense You Should Learn


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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