Pros and Cons of Krav Maga – What Can You Use It For?

Pros and Cons of Krav Maga

In today’s society, being capable of using self-defense is crucial. Because of that, experts recommend learning a martial art. That way, you’ll know how to use your body to disable a hostile quickly. In addition, training a fighting style will grant many additional benefits. 

Overall, there are many martial arts, and you may get confused when choosing one. Therefore, to pick one, you want to know the pros and cons of each one. 

If you’re reading this post, you’re most likely interested in learning Krav Maga. As you may know, I’ve been a special forces operator for a few years. 

In my training, I’ve gone through dozens of Krav Maga lessons. Hence I’m familiar with the ins and outs of the entire learning process. I know which benefits you’ll experience at what stage of your training. 

However, I’m also familiar with the disadvantages of Krav Maga. Because of that, before you choose it to be the martial art you want to learn, read this article to make a wiser choice. 

If you’re hesitant about starting to train in Krav Maga, I wrote an article on the nine martial arts you should learn, and their pros and cons.

1. Highly effective for self-defense

Today, various martial arts aren’t as valuable as others. Because of that, you must recognize these and stay away from learning them. If you do, you’ll waste your valuable time. That said, many fighting styles are highly effective for many purposes, such as self-defense.

Krav Maga is highly effective for self-defense. Because its training resembles threatening situations, you’ll be ready for real threats. As a result, your response time will shorten, and you’ll be able to disable a hostile more quickly. Therefore, it’ll grant you the capability of protecting yourself. 

Krav Maga Training Demo

Overall, it’s one of the most practical martial arts out there. Because of that, people who train in it will have a broad knowledge of this topic. Thus they’ll be able to respond to threatening situations and defend themselves and others. 

Lastly, other fighting styles are more focused on different aspects. Kickboxing, for instance, is more of a workout than a martial art. I’m not saying that you can’t defend yourself with Kickboxing. But, with Krav Maga, you’ll know self-defense to a higher level. 

I wrote an article on whether Krav Maga is effective. I highly encourage you to read it after you finish reading this post. It’ll change your mindset and give you a second perspective. 


2. It’s a form of self-development

Most people aren’t aware of the benefits training in martial arts can grant the trainee. Weight loss and muscle gain, for instance, are two benefits Krav Maga gives many people in today’s world desire. Therefore, by doing Krav Maga, you’ll notice many similar benefits. 

Krav Maga is a form of self-development because while doing it, you’ll build a more powerful character and have many additional benefits, such as increased self-confidence and improved awareness. As a result, one can leverage martial arts to its advantage. 

Israeli Soldiers Demonstrate Krav Maga

However, to achieve results, one must invest time, dedication, and hard work. Because of that, many people who begin their journey will quit because they haven’t noticed the results I mentioned. 

However, if you’re looking to develop yourself and achieve such feats, I highly encourage you to start training. Eventually, you’ll get into better shape, you’ll gain muscle, and your confidence will increase. 

Many people aren’t aware of such benefits and how they can assist you in life. 

3. Increases self-confidence and self-esteem

We’ve already understood that training in Krav Maga is a form of self-development. As a result, you’ll notice many benefits naturally flowing your way when you train. One of them is self-confidence. 

While doing Krav Maga, you’ll notice you’re more independent and trust yourself more. As a result, your self-confidence and self-esteem will naturally increase. Because of that, you’ll be able to reach higher feats in life. Overall, training in martial arts builds a powerful character. 

In my eyes, it’s one of the most important traits someone can have to succeed in life.

Additionally, self-confidence and trust in yourself will highly benefit you. You’ll be able to accomplish various feats that will ultimately assist you in life. For instance, because I trusted myself, I got into special forces.

4. Improves awareness

When you prepare for an extreme incident, you’ll pay more attention and look for it. The same goes for martial arts. Because when we train in Krav Maga, we’re preparing ourselves for a scenario where we need to respond quickly and defend a person—we’ll become more aware of it. 

As a result, we’ll look for pre-signs that such a situation is about to occur. Because of that, we’ll become more aware. That way, we’ll be able to respond to threatening situations faster. 

Eventually, Krav Maga training prepares you for an extreme scenario. Because of that, when it does happen, you won’t hesitate. Your muscles immediately respond to the said situation, and you’ll counter it quickly. 

5. Improves physical condition

Losing weight and gaining muscle is the most desirable accomplishment in today’s society. As a result, many people are looking to achieve it. Well, with martial arts, you’ll be able to attain such an accomplishment naturally. 

Krav Maga training is one of the best ways to get in shape. With proper nutrition, you’ll notice your body responding to the exercise. As a result, getting into shape is one of the benefits of martial arts, particularly Krav Maga. For instance, in an hour of Krav Maga training, you’ll burn 616 calories.

I wrote an article where I go in-depth on whether martial arts is suitable to get in shape. I highly encourage you to read it if you’re interested in this matter. 

Furthermore, Krav Maga is an intense workout. As a result, by constantly doing it, you’ll be able to improve your physical condition in no time. I’ll include a graph of the %VO2 max in an hour session of Krav Maga.

From the graph, we interpret that Krav Maga is an effective workout. Additionally, in my training, Krav Maga was the activity that increased my heart rate to the highest level. As a result, it improved my physical condition the most. 

6. Betters mental state

Although bettering your mental state is demanding, with proper activities, you’ll do just that. Martial arts are one of the best ways to improve yourself as an individual. Because of that, many people who do Krav Maga will notice said benefits flowing their way. 

Doing Krav Maga over time will better your mental state. Because you’ll be more secure in yourself, you’ll have an easier time thinking positively of yourself. As a result, you’ll be more independent and value yourself to a higher degree. Consequently, your mental state will improve.

The Truth About Krav Maga

When I first trained in Krav Maga, I was insecure and had low self-esteem. However, as I exercised more often, I noticed I started to develop self-trust. As a result, I knew that I could achieve anything I would put my mind to doing. 

Consequently, I became more independent and knew that I was capable of many things. For instance, as I progressed, I noticed that I thought I was capable of disabling a hostile. As a result, I suddenly could use self-defense. 

Eventually, doing Krav Maga will better your mental state. Thus, you’ll feel more self-confident and secure and hold yourself to a higher value. Hence it’s one of the leading benefits of training in martial arts

7. Expensive

A bag of cash
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

In one of the polls I did, I saw that the average price people pay per month for Krav Maga lessons is $76.7. Now, you can easily calculate the number it will come out to be per year. 

Well, some people don’t want to invest that much in classes. Because of that, they try to self-study and train. However, most times, without any real success. If you’re one of these people, I wrote an article on the different ways you can train Krav Maga at home. 

Krav Maga lessons can get expensive quickly. As a result, some will prefer to stay away and not learn it. While I understand, the value you’ll get will stick with you for a prolonged period. As a result, the money will be a long-term investment in yourself. 

Read more about martial arts and their effect on overall mental state.

Yet, many people will still prefer not to attend such classes. Because of that, to progress, you must know what you’re doing. To do that, research on YouTube and choose an instructor you like. That way, you’ll be able to learn the fundamentals and gain knowledge. 

8. Requires dedication

Some people who start their martial arts journey—quit in the middle. As a result, they won’t notice any of the positive benefits. 

The main reason people give up is they’re in the early phase. That’s when you are a beginner and just about to notice the first batch of positive benefits. However, you lose motivation and stop. 

Because of that, understanding that you must collect every bit of dedication and willpower to go over this phase is crucial. That way, you’ll stick for longer and experience more benefits than most people. 

However, it’s challenging and demanding. Consequently, if you’re unsure or hesitant about starting to train in martial arts, consider changing your mindset before trying.

Krav Maga is one of the most challenging martial arts to train. Not only are the pieces of training intense, but you’ll also wear off quickly. To not give up, you need the right mindset. One that’ll ensure you collect your dedication and willpower and invest it into the training. 


9. Noticing results might take a while

This point correlates to the previous one. You will most likely not notice significant results if you’re still a beginner. Consequently, going through at least a couple of sessions before you’ll see positive results is typical. 

In your Krav Maga training, you’ll not notice results immediately. As a result, many people may quit after a few sessions. However, you must have a strong mindset and willpower to overcome this beginner phase. 

One of the benefits you may experience in the beginning is better physical condition. Well, you burn plenty of calories in Krav Maga classes. Therefore, you’ll lose body fat and gain muscle with proper nutrition. 

However, a better mental state will come as you become more advanced. So, if you want to have better self-esteem and be confident, you must invest a lot in training. Consequently, you’ll notice you become more independent. Furthermore, the said benefits will naturally flow your way.  

10. Originally designed for soldiers

Although that’s not as much of a disadvantage, it’s not an advantage. Well, let me explain. 

First, Krav Maga was introduced to the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) in the late 1940s. As a result, today, all Israeli soldiers, including special forces operators, know how to use Krav Maga.

Because Krav Maga gives soldiers the ability to defend themselves in close quarters, the fighting style will be more suitable specifically for them. As a result, Krav Maga may not fit anyone who wants to learn self-defense, but people who adopt it. 

First, Krav Maga isn’t about technique as much as various martial arts. Karate, for instance, is a martial art with no gray area. Because of that, distinct instructors teach similar techniques.

Military Combat – Krav Maga

However, when it comes to Krav Maga, it’s dynamic. As a result, you’ll notice many people changing their moves to their preferences. That’s the absolute beauty in it. Everyone can adapt to it and make it adapt to them. 

Yet, some may find it to be unfitting for them. As a result, learning another martial art may be wise. Because of that, if you want to learn about the nine most valuable martial arts, follow the link to read more. 

In my service, I did Krav Maga for 14 months. As a result, I can tell you that most of the moves we learned did not correlate with proper technique. It was all about aggressiveness, which is crucial for self-defense.

Should you learn Krav Maga?

If you’ve reached this far into the article, you’re one of the people who should learn Krav Maga. Now that you’re familiar with the various disadvantages such a fighting style has, you can make a wiser decision. 

Generally, learning Krav Maga is valuable because of the number of benefits you’ll have from the pieces of training. As a result, you’ll notice an increase in self-confidence and self-esteem. Such attributes are highly desirable in today’s world. But most importantly, you’ll become a fierce fighter.

Additionally, you’ll notice better awareness and mental state. Consequently, we understand that training in martial arts is beneficial. 

I wrote an article on the five reasons you should learn Krav Maga. If you’re still hesitant, I highly encourage you to read it. 


Doing Krav Maga provides the trainee with plenty of benefits. As a result, many people started to train in it. However, some don’t understand that it’s challenging to stick with it. As a result, many people quit before they experience any of the benefits. 

Knowing the pros and cons is crucial before you begin learning it. That way, you’ll be familiar with the negative aspects of Krav Maga. Then, if you decide to train in it, you’ll most likely quit in the middle of the process.

Some of the advantages of Krav Maga are in the following list.

  • 1. Highly effective for self-defense
  • 2. It’s a form of self-development
  • 3. Increases self-confidence and self-esteem
  • 4. Improves awareness
  • 5. Improves physical condition
  • 6. Betters mental state

Some of the disadvantages of Krav Maga are in the following list.  

  • 1. Expensive
  • 2. Requires dedication
  • 3. Noticing results may take a while
  • 4. First designed for soldiers 

Eventually, I highly encourage anyone to learn Krav Maga. For me, it changed my life. In the past, I had low self-esteem. With martial arts, I increased the value I hold of myself. Consequently, I was later able to achieve amazing feats, such as getting into special forces

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7 Reasons Why Women Should Learn Krav Maga | Helpful Guide

Is Learning Krav Maga Hard? Real Examples

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11 Valuable Tips for Krav Maga Beginners | Progress Faster

Is Learning Krav Maga Worth It? Backed by a Study

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I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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