3 Ways Boxing Toughens You | Should I learn it?

boxing fight

I have been practicing boxing for several years now- and if it did one thing to me, it’s it toughened me up, honestly. Currently, I’m capable of getting hit without moving an inch since I’ve been studying and practicing the art of punching. 

Boxing toughens you in 3-primary ways; first, you’ll have a higher pain tolerance since you’ll be getting hit many times. Moreover, you’ll learn to fight and disable your opponent with less effort. And lastly, your confidence and self-image will improve in correlation with the effort you invest. 

Notice I’ve used the word correlation with the effort you invest into training. If you’re attending a fighting gym and not committed to the cause, your progression rate will be slower than if you were to invest yourself in training. 

Yet, many don’t invest the needed consistency in noticing enough results to keep them in training. That’s the vicious cycle repeating itself. You’re not consistent enough to notice results. Consequently, you won’t keep up with training since you do not see any results. 

However, you’ll get tougher the more committed to training you are. Additionally, it’ll happen in a shorter period than what one may initially think. Hence, it’ll be best to keep training vigorously to notice you’re tougher than your previous self

This article will demonstrate and examine the 3-main ways boxing toughens its trainees. The following list is precisely them. 

  1. Boxing improves your pain-threshold
  2. Boxing teaches you to fight
  3. Boxing betters your confidence and self-esteem

#1 – Boxing improves your pain-threshold

If you’re scared to fight, you won’t win any fights. Whether you weigh 50kg more than your opponent, you won’t come out victorious if you’re scared of such encounters. 

Boxing improves your pain threshold by constantly getting you into sparring drills. As a result, you’ll get hit plenty of times while experiencing what a fight looks and feels like. Also, as a result, you’ll get used to being under pressure in dangerous situations. 

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Following that, your mind will get used to being in such situations. As a result, when you have to use the techniques you learned to disable a hostile genuinely, you’ll do so non-hesitantly. 

Because of that, boxing lessens your fear of fights, so it’ll assist you in reacting to conflicts and cause massive damage to your opponent without over-thinking it. 

#2 – Boxing teaches you to fight

If there’s a single reason many people attend boxing classes because; it’s learning to fight. Martial arts, at their core, teach people how to use self-defense. That was the goal of those who created such fighting styles

Take Karate as an example; People first created it on the island of Okinawa, Japan. They desired that the population of the island all learn to use self-defense so they could defend themselves. There was a need for martial artists to rise. So, Karate was born. 

Boxing teaches you to fight since it teaches effective fighting techniques, such as punching in various forms. Additionally, you’ll learn to use weight transfer and other footwork movements to create complex combos and cause massive damage quickly. 

Therefore, disabling a hostile becomes relatively more manageable, as you’ll become capable of causing massive damage using the techniques you’ll learn. 

Finally, this may be the reason to begin learning boxing for some. If that’s you, that’s an entirely valid reason to start studying such a martial art. Therefore, I have no doubt you’ll become capable of using these techniques for self-defense and self-improvement. 

#3 – Boxing betters your confidence and self-esteem

Boxing intervention was more efficient in developing physical fitness and TPE variables better than traditional intervention. Boxing coaches should utilize specific physical fitness exercises next to technical and tactical drills that comprise the effectual contest’s vital components. 


Boxing betters your confidence and self-esteem since it provides an outlet for you to grow. Imagine yourself getting better with every session while you invest liters of sweat into training. Many studies have shown such effects occurring one after another. 

Here, for instance, is a study that examined Karate and its effects on self-esteem. Although I don’t have the data for boxing, I’m confident it applies more influentially. 

Visual inspection showed that four participants improved their global self-esteem. Self-efficacy was improved in three participants whereas the other two had high self-efficacy before participation in the karate program. 


There’s no place to be mistaken in such a realm. Boxing will assist you in improving yourself on both the physical and mental sides. As a result, you’ll become a more capable individual- ready to deal with the challenges life throws at you. 

Will boxing make me tougher?

Often, when people think of actual fighters, they’re likely to picture men with swords and shields rumbling on each other. However, with boxing- that’s not the case. You won’t see anyone throwing any daggers whatsoever. So, are boxers tough?

Boxing will make you tougher since it improves your pain tolerance and teaches you practical fighting techniques, effective for self-defense. As a result, you’ll become more resilient the more effort you invest into training. Thus keeping up with exercise- is a critical step in becoming rigid. 

Boxing fight
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

If your goal is to get tougher, martial arts are for you. If you’re not familiar with this term, consider reading the following article I wrote about the deadliest martial arts from around the world. It’ll assist you in comprehending this term. 

Now that we understand what martial arts are, will they make you tough? 

Martial arts will make you tough since they’ll teach you to fight. To do so, one must ensure the trainees go through drills that’ll test their physical and mental limits. As a result, you’ll be better than who you previously were after you finish.  

By consistently doing boxing, you’ll learn numerous defensive and offensive moves capable of quickly disabling a hostile without complicating matters. As a result, boxing is one of the easiest to learn fighting styles one can indulge oneself in.

If your goal is to become rigid, boxing is a fantastic choice since it won’t take many hours to learn. Consequently, it won’t be as difficult to stay consistent- as in other martial arts.

Does getting punched make you tougher?

Today, most are afraid of getting into dangerous encounters since they’re unconfident in their fighting abilities. Because of that, some may desire to get rigid while learning to use appropriate fighting techniques. One of the ways you can do so is by getting punched. So let’s look at whether doing such a thing will make you more exacting. 

Getting punched will make you tougher since it’ll lessen your fear of fights. But unfortunately, the majority of people are afraid of getting hit. As a result, when they encounter a fighting situation, they’ll resort to fleeing, which may cause more trouble.

If you were to get hit in boxing training constantly, your fear of getting punches would lessen. As a result, you’ll be less scared of moving forward to close the distance when you encounter said situation. 

Performing such action is critical for self-defense. Picture the following scenario; you’re in a fight and are afraid of moving forward. What’s going to happen? The hostile will win since one has the advantage (mainly if one’s fearless).

On the other hand, if you’re confident in your fighting abilities, you’ll become capable of closing the distance rather quickly and so disable the attacker quicker than if you were to be afraid. Causing massive damage is impossible without being part fearless. 

Should you learn boxing?

Martial arts are the core of fighting. Therefore, learning a fighting style should be your next step if you want to learn or improve such a skill. For instance, Kickboxing and Muay-Thai are suitable for enhancing your ability as a fighter. 

You should learn boxing if you’re looking for a simple fighting style that teaches a single fighting technique in many forms. You’ll learn to punch and use offensive and defensive footwork. Consequently, you’ll become a solid fighter, capable of self-defense. 

Additionally, you’ll become a solid fighter from training, as other trainees will punch you consecutively. Finally, you’ll participate in sparring sessions with your co-trainees, so your fear of fights will lessen.

Boxing provides numerous mental and physical benefits. In fact, many studies showed that all martial arts improve well-being while decreasing depression and anxiety. 

The study found that martial arts training had a medium effect size regarding reducing internalizing mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, and a small effect size regarding increasing well-being. 


We understand that martial arts are a wise choice to study, not only for those willing to improve their fighting abilities. But instead, everyone who wishes to improve themselves can enjoy learning a fighting style, including boxing. 

Final words

I’m a big fan of boxing. However, lately, after studying it for 3-years, I stopped training since I began prioritizing other doings rather than martial arts. Frankly, I can’t be more disappointed with the current situation. I’ve seen many benefits naturally flowing my way from the training throughout the years.

Boxing is a fantastic, simple-to-learn martial art. Because of that, if you’re interested in learning to fight while improving yourself, I have no doubts you’ll enjoy it. For instance, many have witnessed their self-esteem and confidence rising whenever they worked hard to learn boxing. 


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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