What Makes Special Forces Special? What do they do? Salary

Special forces

In ancient times, highly skilled warriors were the pinnacle of the army. In such periods, these warriors were ready for the most complex missions. Today, it didn’t change. Every military worldwide has a unit that’s ready for any given situation. 

Special forces are highly skilled. Hence their training is more detailed than other soldiers. Consequently, such elite teams are ready for the most complex missions. Because of that, their training is lengthier, and their force is smaller.

Most people aren’t aware of the existence of many of these elite forces. Consequently, they can operate without civilians knowing their doings, which benefits the government. Additionally, having such a team provides the country with intimidation cards. 

What are special forces?

Soldiers Shooting
Image by Military_Material from Pixabay

Worldwide, every army has an elite team. They’re capable of performing extraordinarily, and thus they’ll deal with the most challenging missions. These individuals are of the highest quality and are ready to go anywhere and do anything. 

Special forces are highly skilled operators capable of performing to their fullest potential. As a result, their training is lengthier and more in-depth than the average soldier. Not only that, but such units choose individuals with high potential, consequently resulting in a superb team. 

Sayeret Matkal is Israel’s most elite and known unit. Therefore, the missions they went to sound like a fictional stories. If you were to sit with an operator serving there, you would hear countless stories that you wouldn’t believe happened. 

Such a unit neat-picks the individuals they’re willing to train in a series of physical and mental tests. As a result, the ones who pass are of the highest quality. Hence picture these operators to their fullest potential. At the end of their training, they’ll be able to perform at the highest level you can imagine. 

I have an entire article on whether you should get into special forces. If you’re interested in learning more about such elite units, I highly encourage you to check it out. 

How often are special forces used?

Because there are many elite units, every specific one has its expertise field. The Navy Seals, for instance, are capable of functioning in water, land, and air. Consequently, they may get used to many complex missions often. 

As a whole, because special forces are highly skilled, the number of missions they’ll go to is lower than the average soldier. On average, various elite units are active once or twice a week. However, not all missions they go to are complex. 

I was a special forces operator, serving in an elite unit for a lengthy period. Consequently, I’m familiar with the way things function in such places. From my experience, my team and I were 11 from end-to-end. Therefore, on average, I was on the line of duty once a week. 

Additionally, there were times when I wasn’t active for months. The reasoning for that is not because there was no work. Instead, we were preparing for a more complex mission than usual. Hence we needed to prepare ourselves, especially for such an operation.

Why am I telling you this? Because understanding that in such units, everything is dynamic. Thus you can’t prepare yourself for the know. Instead, when a team is prime for the unknown, they’ll perform at a much higher level. Because of that, if you want to get into special forces, be willing for the unknown at all times. 

What do special forces do?

Dog attacking a person
Image by spektr_2007 from Pixabay

In special forces, every individual has their expertise field. The result is many people with various specializations. Therefore, they can perform exceptionally well in the most complex missions. However, it’s also a disadvantage. If one of the team members performs poorly, everyone will be affected.

Special forces units do the most complex missions. Because their individuals are highly qualified and set for any given scenario, their capability is higher than the average soldier. There’s a variety of tasks such elite units go to, such as a hostage scenario.

Additionally, such operations have more severe consequences if done poorly. Thus elite teams will go to such missions exclusively. Furthermore, some of these complex tasks occur are out of the country. Therefore, if they get caught, the consequences are national.

Because of that, special forces units neat pick their operators. Consequently, the tests they’ll go through will examine how they work under stress, their physical condition, and their mental strength. The individuals who pass will eventually become the best operators in the world.  

Do special forces get paid? How much do they make?

A bag of cash
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Because soldiers work for the military, they get paid for defending their country. Being an operator is more challenging and demanding than most jobs people have. Therefore, the pay has to justify such hard workers. 

Special forces operators get paid. The average pay for special forces operators is higher than for soldiers. However, each salary will differ from a few factors. First, the amount of time you currently serve, being parachute-qualified, and getting additional danger pay.

For starters, I highly encourage you to check this military pay calculator. It’s a fantastic tool that will assist you in knowing your future pay. Furthermore, special forces receive additional earnings for pieces of training they went through.

For instance, if they’re parachute qualified, at higher risk, or serve for a lengthier period, they’ll get more money. Therefore, if your goal is to get better pay, SF does get more. 

That said, your reasonings for enlisting to elite units shouldn’t be the pay. Instead, the self-development you’ll go through in training doesn’t exist anywhere else. Consequently, I encourage you to stay away from such places if you plan to make more money. 

Although this number isn’t accurate, as a whole, you should expect to get around $50,000 a year for serving as a special forces operator. That said, every unit will have its range of pay. Hence I can’t tell you exactly how much such an individual makes.


In my service, I’ve gone through a lengthy period of training. Consequently, I’m highly skilled in the field of work I was working. Hence the missions I’ve gone to are more complex than the average operation. 

Special forces operators are precisely that. Because of their level of capabilities, they’re able to perform various feats on a remarkably high level. 

As a whole, special forces operators are ready for any given scenario at all times. Thus the missions such elite units sent them to are highly challenging. Because of that, they get additional pay. 

Mentioning that the amount of work they put into their fields is up there is essential. Therefore, if you’re unwilling to work hard to reach exceptional skills, enlisting in such units will be a mistake. 

Overall, special forces are unique. Consequently, the highest-quality individuals reach such places. The mental and physical tests they go through are particularly challenging. Therefore, the people who pass these tests will become fantastic operators. 


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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