Martial Arts: Why Jeet Kune Do is The Most Respected Form

Bruce Lee

Martial arts are one of the most valuable activities you can do. They provide the trainee with many benefits, such as increased self-confidence and self-esteem. So, what’s the most respected form of martial arts? Should you learn it?

Jeet Kune Do- is the most respected form of martial arts because its training focuses on constant self-development rather than getting a black belt. Furthermore, it’s dynamic and teaches its trainees how to defend themselves. As a result, it’s likable in all communities. 

Today, many people practice the martial art that is Jeet Kune Do. In addition, it provides many distinct benefits to the practitioner. However, is it effective as I present it to be? Or should I not learn it? In this article, we’ll dive into detail concerning Jeet Kune Do.

Why is Jeet Kune Do respected?

Most likely, you’re familiar with Bruce Lee. He was one of the greatest martial artists in history. Additionally, he was a successful movie star. In the 1960s, Bruce Lee developed a fighting style named Jeet Kune Do. He wrote a book explaining all about it. From there, it became widespread, and today- it’s one of the best martial arts one can learn.

Jeet Kune Do- is respected because its focus is on self-development rather than reaching a certain level. Additionally, because Bruce Lee, which was the martial arts community respected, created it, many people understand the value Jeet Kune Do can grant its trainees. 

That said, there’s more to it. If Bruce Lee were to create- a useless fighting style, people wouldn’t respect it. Thus there’s something that makes it unique. Well, let’s dive into what it is. 

Jeet Kune Do- is all about self-development. Its consistent trainees will reach a point where they have gotten the “black belt” Rather, they became proficient in it. Well, what’s next? 

In many martial arts, you did your part once you reached the black belt. To be clear, I’m not disrespecting the ranking of various fighting styles. Instead, I’m explaining what’s different in Jeet Kune Do. Back to our topic.

Jeet Kune Do- doesn’t have a ranking system. As a result, you’ll constantly be improving and developing yourself. Even Bruce Lee, who invented it, wasn’t a master in it. Instead, he was on a constant run to improve himself- and the martial art that’s today- Jeet Kune Do.  

Let’s recap. Jeet Kune Do- is a respected martial art for three main reasonsThe following list is why Jeet Kune Do is the most respected form of martial arts today. 

Is Jeet Kune Do effective for self-defense?

One of the factors of a fighting style being effective for self-defense is being dynamic. Today, we can encounter many dangerous situations in all forms. As a result, we must be ready for everything. Thus it’s not enough to learn a fighting style, but we must practice the right one. 

Jeet Kune Do- is effective for self-defense because of its dynamic nature. As a result, the trainee can adapt to any situation without hesitation. For instance, one would react differently to a knife attacker- rather than a street fight. 

The essence of Jeet Kune Do was for self-defense purposes. Thus people who train it will become more capable of using it as a self-defense tool. If you’re interested in learning more about that topic, read an article about the best martial arts for self-defense– you should practice. 

Overall, Jeet Kune Do will teach you everything you need to know about fighting. Thus you’ll be capable of defending yourself whenever you need. You’ll learn all about proper striking, kicking, submissions, choking, and plenty of other techniques.

martial arts

The beauty in Jeet Kune Do is it’s constantly changing. As time progresses, different movements and combinations add up to create a better fighting style. As a result, as much as it’s changing, the trainees can adapt better. That’s the primary benefit of it. 

Because of that, it’s suitable for self-defense. Furthermore, you’ll recognize a pattern in martial arts- solid for self-defense. All are dynamic and incorporate a few techniques highly effective for such purposes. 

For example, Judo teaches you to throw and pin your opponent to the ground. In Jiu-Jitsu, you’ll learn how to keep an opponent on the ground and force him to submit. All of these are excellent capabilities for self-defense. Consequently, Jiu-Jitsu and Judo are suitable fighting styles for such a purpose. 

“The majority of studies reported positive effects resulting from hard martial arts practice, showing some improvement and maintenance of balance, cognitive function and psychological health.” (Source)

There’s a close correlation between martial arts training and numerous positive health effects. For instance, getting into shape and managing your body weight is one of the typical benefits of training in martial arts. For that reason, you’ll solely benefit from learning Jeet Kune Do, as it’ll change your life. 

Should I learn Jeet Kune Do?

Today, many martial arts exist, and all provide some value to the trainee. That said, many excel in their purpose. For instance, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is one of the best fighting styles in the world. Thus learning may be more suitable for most individuals. 

Learning Jeet Kune Do- is a wise choice because it’s as dynamic as it is. As a result, many people can highly benefit from learning it. Additionally, it’s suitable both for self-defense and for self-development. Consequently, one can receive incredible value from doing it. 

Eventually, there’s plenty to be said about such a fighting style. It covers every aspect you can imagine in a fighting style. Not only that, but it’s also dynamic and constantly changing. As a result, one can highly benefit from learning it. 

Furthermore, the benefits you can expect to experience from learning Jeet Kune Do are increased confidence, decreased hostile and aggression levels, lower stress, and, most importantly, know to protect yourself. Because of these reasons, learning Jeet Kune Do is incredibly beneficial. 

“Our results indicate that doing an additional martial arts training once a week may lead to better performance under anxiety, although it cannot prevent that performance decreases under high anxiety compared to low anxiety.” (Source)

Many other fighting styles provide similar benefits. Additionally, many studies showed that training in martial arts is beneficial to one’s physical and mental health. As such, if you’re looking for a self-help activity, consider training in martial arts. 

“Training in martial arts has altered experiences of control and vulnerability, self-esteem, self-concept, fitness, confidence, and relaxation. As a result, some researchers characterize martial arts practice as a form of self-help.”

(Columbus & Rice, 1998).


Eventually, Jeet Kune Do is one of the best martial arts one can learn. Because of its dynamic nature, one can highly benefit from it. You’ll learn how to adapt to any situation instantly. Thus it’s effective for self-defense. 

Additionally, it fits any age. Whether you’re 6 or 85 years old, you can learn it. Overall, there isn’t a single part of my body that’ll tell you otherwise. If you’re interested in learning to fight appropriately while developing yourself, consider training today. 

The following video is a basic Jeet Kune Do training you can do at home. Thus it’s especially suitable for hesitant individuals who are unsure whether they should begin training in martial arts. Read more about that mental barrier- by following the link to an article of mine. 


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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