Is Boxing Without Shoes Possible? Boxing Shoes

Boxing shoes

If you want to improve your confidence and self-esteem, lower your stress and aggression levels, while improving your physical shape, boxing is a sport for you. Sometimes, however, people don’t start their training because they think they must own various pieces of equipments, such as shoes. Let’s see if it’s the truth.

Boxing without shoes (barefoot) is possible, as footwear isn’t required to move around. Nonetheless, you’ll slip less and be more stable if you decide to wear footwear, especially specifically designed boxing shoes. And still, boxing barefoot is possible; But, you’ll be less stable, flexible, and have lower grip without footwear.

Every sport has companies designing specific products for it. For example, you can buy tennis shirts and shorts if you want. Will they make you better? Some of them might.

This also applies to boxing, since many brands and companies specifically construct equipment for boxers. Let’s look at a few examples: First, you can buy gloves and hand wraps that’ll protect your hands, wrists, and fingers.

In addition, you can purchase headgear and boxing cups, that’ll ensure you protect the short and long-term health of your head and crotch.

Boxing shoes, as all the other examples here, aren’t necessary to succeed and progress in your boxing journey. However, they’ll help you be more stable and move more freely. That’s why you see professional and amateur boxers buying the highest quality footwear, so they can ensure they’re as stable as possible.

Before we dive in, if you want to buy the best clothing which is constructed specifically for boxing, such as shirts, shorts, gloves, and even hand wraps, follow the link to an article of mine breaking down the best ones.

Should you box with or without shoes?

As we have understood so far, you don’t have to buy the specifically-designed pieces of equipment. They won’t stop you from learning and progressing in the sport. But, they’ll help you perform better; for example, gloves will protect your hand, which will help you in the long-term.

You should box with shoes, as most pairs of footwear will provide more stability and help you not slip as much. However, boxing without shoes is possible, as long as you watch your steps. Boxing shoes are designed to provide more stability, since their grip is high. That’s why boxers will slip less while wearing footwear.

Figure 2
Example of a digital footprint with masking into forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot region for calculation of the dynamic arch index according to Cavanagh and Rodgers (1987)

You can even wear Vans footwear, if that’s all you have available. That’ll be just fine in the long-term. If, however, you want to optimize your boxing journey, it’ll be best to buy specifically-designed footwear, which you can find in most sports or martial arts stores.

If you want to buy the best ones, I wrote an article on the best boxing shoes that’ll help you be more stable and slip less. These are also suitable for wide feet.

While not slipping as much can be attractive, many folks aren’t willing to spend as much money on specific footwear. In that case, it’ll be best to begin your training. Then, once you feel comfortable in your ability to stay consistent, you can take a step forward and purchase shoes.

Can I box with running shoes?

Numerous studies have found the long-term benefits of wearing high-quality shoes. While boxing shoes are your safest bet, you can also wear any type of footwear you currently have. Once you remain consistent with box training, you can go ahead and invest money into this sport.

Boxing with running shoes—is possible, as they’ll help you be more stable while being comfortable. However, it’ll be best to stick with boxing shoes specifically while boxing, to ensure you’re more stable. And still, running shoes will help you not slip as often, but not as much as specifically designed footwear.

Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

Let’s examine some benefits of wearing high-quality shoes, according to Mister Minit:

  • Quality shoes regulate foot moisture. All day long, feet are locked in shoes; a poorly ventilated environment.
  • Quality shoes prevent foot odor.
  • They help avoid discomfort and other problems.
  • Quality shoes help you save money.

The key point I want you to take is that high-quality shoes will give you comfort. Whether you wear running or boxing footwear while you box, you want to be as comfortable as possible.

I know, you might slip more when wearing running shoes. But, they’ll do the job. If you want to avoid slipping regularly and have better grip inside the fighting ring, it’ll be best to stick with boxing shoes.

Running shoes, or any type of shoe, however, will be suitable for boxing.

Are boxing shoes necessary?

If you participate in boxing competitions, whether it’s in the Olympics, as an amateur or a pro, you’ll be required to wear boxing shoes. In fact, you won’t be able to compete if you show up with almost any type of running or other sports shoe.

Boxing shoes aren’t necessary for training. However, amateur and professional boxers are required to wear boxing shoes while competing, to ensure they don’t slip and are more stable. Nonetheless, if you don’t currently compete, you can begin training while being barefoot; do be careful from slipping, though.

For all purposes other than competing, you can show up with any type of footwear you currently own. Heck, some boxing gyms will require you to be barefoot when punching the heavy bags.

Although it’s different, when I do Muay-Thai, I am always barefoot. And, let me tell you, you have more chances of slipping in it than in boxing, as you also kick regularly. In my career, I’ve only slipped 3 times (and still counting).

I’m telling you this to ensure you understand that you don’t have to buy boxing shoes to start training. In fact, you can even start by practicing barefoot (it’s unlikely that you’ll slip). As long as you’re comfortable, you’ll be capable of enjoying the training while practicing and learning.

What shoes do you wear when you box?

Martial arts promote being barefoot when training. For instance, watch judo, MMA, Muay-Thai, kickboxing, BJJ, and Tai chi. These martial arts don’t include the use of footwear, as being barefoot provides enough stability and grip with the floor. Boxing is different, however.

You can wear any type of shoes when you box. You don’t need to specifically wear boxing shoes, the same as you don’t need to wear football footwear when playing football. However, you’ll always see the pros wear specifically designed footwear for their sport, as they’re aware of their features and the advantage they may give.

The competitive scene of boxing, regarding shoes—is different from that of all other martial arts. Rather than being barefoot while in the ring, you’re actually required to wear boxing shoes, and not running or any other sports footwear.

Fighters fight
Photo by Jonathan Tomas on Unsplash

When training, nonetheless, you can wear anything that you want. While some martial arts gym may require you to wear a specific type of footwear, others will ensure you step onto the ring with bare feet.

Can I box barefoot?

Boxing is one of the best martial arts in the world. Its simplicity attracts millions upon millions of dedicated fans. Most people, however, will never start participating in the sport, as they dislike the idea of starting something new. Likewise, they think about getting the best equipment. That may be unnecessary, though.

Boxing barefoot—is possible; but, you’ll have less grip and not be as stable as you would with boxing shoes on. Amateur and professional boxers, however, are required to wear boxing shoes specifically, they can’t wear running footwear. That’s to ensure they’re more stable and won’t slip as often as boxers do.

Before you even begin thinking about purchasing the best footwear to ensure you’re capable of boxing at your maximum potential, start training. You don’t want to be the person who buys the best equipment only to quit a week after.

Being barefoot also has various benefits. Some people even report feeling more fulfilled after taking a walk outdoors without footwear.

Let’s, for example, have a look at a superb finding about being barefoot outdoors.

When we make a connection with the Earth, when we ground through barefoot walking, there has been found to be a reduction in white blood cells and an increase in red blood cells, which hints to better immunity. Barefoot walking has been shown to help increase antioxidants, reduce inflammation and improve sleep. (Source)

Final words

If you want to amp up your skills as a boxer, you must start training as soon as possible. If you have yet to begin, don’t even start thinking about equipment you should buy. Rather, focus on learning the basics, even with running footwear on.

While boxing can be done barefoot, it’ll be best to pair yourself with specifically designed boxing shoes. They will provide more grip and stability to the boxer. As such, the wearer is much less likely to slip or fall during an intense match.

Eventually, however, you should always start with the basics. Don’t think about optimizing your training routine or buying the best gear before you get comfortable with the art of punching.

Just start training.

If you enjoyed reading this article, you’ll also enjoy reading about whether boxing shoes are good for running. If you want to know the answer, follow the link!


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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