Will Boxing Improve Your Physique? 7 Physical Benefits


Improving your physical capabilities—is a significant concern for many folks who seem to have given up long ago. However, there is another way to look at this issue. You can improve your physique by participating in martial arts, particularly boxing.

Boxing will improve your physique in various ways, such as increasing testosterone levels, having more strength, looking better, having toned muscles, getting ripped, and losing body fat. These will all improve if you stay consistent and dedicate yourself to the sport of boxing.

All the benefits I mentioned will eventually increase when you begin boxing. First, you must change your lifestyle to fit a healthy one. For instance, it’ll help if you stop eating junk food.

Likewise, you must also get good sleep, more than 7 hours a night, if you want to improve your physical shape. I know someone who was struggling with his physical shape for many years. Once he fixed his sleep, his body began functioning again.

Before we dive into the article, I wrote a complete guide for boxers who want to eat healthily. If you’re going to read it, follow the link!

#7 – Increased testosterone levels

For the first physical improvement you’ll gain from boxing, we’ll examine its effects on testosterone levels or the male hormone.

While you may think it won’t benefit you, hear me out. You will get various benefits from having higher levels of testosterone.

Now, regular exercise is a reliable way of growing your testosterone. According to a medical publication, “Exercise will boost testosterone, though certain types of exercise increase testosterone more than others,” 

Now that we know that boxing can, contrary to what many people think, increase testosterone levels, here’s what you can expect if you have higher male hormone levels.

Testosterone helps maintain men’s:

  • Bone density.
  • Fat distribution.
  • Muscle strength and mass.
  • Facial and body hair.
  • Red blood cell production.
  • Sex drive.
  • Sperm production.

I don’t know a single man who would refuse all of these benefits. You’re likely to want a few to be boosted in your personal life. Personally, I see 6 just on this list.

Having increased testosterone levels—can benefit you. All it takes is to stay consistent with your boxing training while eating healthy foods and sleeping well.

Five hours of sleep decreased their testosterone levels by 10 percent to 15 percent.


#6 – Being active and physically healthy

The benefits of being active in your daily life—are plenty. However, you must remain active if you experience the most physical benefits. That means exercising every week.

Boxing will help you stay active and thus prevent various diseases. The benefits of being physically active, hence exercising, are plenty. It can even help prevent heart diseases, strokes, and several cancers.

Boxing fight
Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

According to a medical article, “Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and manage non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several cancers.”

Another side of the coin is mental health. Today, infinite distractions surround us. We seem stuck between countless distractions that attract us more than the last.

Thus, people seem to have bad mental health because of all these distractions. Well, physical activity has been shown to decrease the symptoms of depression and inadequate mental health symptoms.

You can gain all that by boxing 1-3 times per week!

If you want to learn how often professional boxers train, follow the link.

#5 – Increased strength

Being stronger is a benefit everyone can enjoy. I don’t see why someone wouldn’t want to be stronger and fitter than one’s current state.

Boxing can increase your strength because it’s a full-body workout. When you punch, you use more muscles than you think. So not only are your arms and shoulders working when you throw a punch, but also your legs and back.

Boxing training
Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

As a result, it can increase your strength by keeping these muscles moving and working. As a result, you’ll slowly become stronger and stronger each time you punch.

#4 – Better endurance

Having better endurance can help you become healthier. That’s because it regulates fat metabolism and decreases blood glucose levels. Such benefits might help delay type 2 diabetes, which can be extremely valuable for everyone.

Boxing betters your endurance because it’s an activity that elevates your heart rate and makes you sweat a lot. So while you’ll also burn plenty of calories, your body will also better its cardiovascular health and endurance, considering you’ll keep up with your training schedule.

According to a study: “Regular endurance effort alterates the functional action of spinal motoneurons, which control the activity of the skeletal muscles, prevents metabolic syndrome, regulates fat metabolism, decreases blood glucose levels, delays the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Boxing will help you prevent various health issues, such as diabetes, as it improves your endurance and cardiovascular health.

I recommend everyone start their boxing journey because there’s no better way of becoming physically active and increasing your endurance while enjoying the training itself.

#3 – Getting abs

One study found that ab exercises won’t assist in losing body fat in the abdominal area. Thus, you don’t get abs from training the abdominal area but from decreasing your body fat percentage.

Boxing will help you lose body fat because it’s an intense exercise that burns up to 800 calories per hour!

Losing body fat is about eating less than what you burn daily. If you can do that, you’ll lose fat consistently and healthily. Also, boxing will help you be on a caloric deficit, which makes fat loss possible.

I highly recommend pairing yourself with high-quality boxing shoes. If you do that, you’ll be much more stable inside the ring, making you more likely to win more fights. So, follow the link to see the best ones for your money.

#2 – Having toned muscles

Part of the reason that boxing burns plenty of calories is that it uses many muscle groups. As a result, you’ll use more energy, thus burning more calories. However, you will experience one more benefit because you’ll be working on your entire body—toned muscles.

Boxing fight
Photo by Nemesia Production on Unsplash

The muscles that work while punching are: SOURCE

  • Traps
  • Biceps
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Anterior and Posterior Deltoids
  • Triceps
  • Forearms
  • Shoulders
  • Hips
  • Upper and lower abs
  • Glutes
  • Calves

Just look at how long this list is. You’ll work on these muscles when you box, making you burn more calories and get toned muscles.

Looking good can be the goal for many people trying to become physically active and exercise more often. So, you can achieve that by boxing if, of course, you eat healthily while also taking care of your body.

#1 – Losing body fat

Burning fat is one of the more desirable traits in today’s world. If you’re one of the many who wants to see yourself with less body fat, you can have a difficult time taking action toward your goal, hence, exercising.

Boxing gets rid of the overall body fat percentage by being an exercise that burns plenty of calories, allowing you to be at a caloric deficit. In such a case, your body will begin burning fat to compensate for the missing calories you usually gain from foods. As a result, your body fat percentage—will lower.

Because it uses many muscle groups, it also allows you to burn more calories. Therefore, it’ll be easier to be at a caloric deficit, hence eating less than what you burn.

If you want to ensure your head’s short and long-term protection in boxing, follow the link to read about the best boxing headgear for your money.

Final words

Improving yourself physically—is highly desirable. Unfortunately, many people aren’t willing to put in the effort to see the results. Nonetheless, you can achieve such physical improvements while enjoying the process.

To achieve that, it’ll be best if you stay active in your lifestyle while keeping up with your training schedule. That means eating correctly and sleeping sufficiently. If you can do that, there’s no doubt your physique will improve, slowly but surely!

If you enjoyed reading this article, you’d also enjoy whether boxing will give you abs. This article will also explain how you can get ripped; follow the link to learn how to do so with boxing!


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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