How Fast Can Boxing Get You in Shape? (Real Examples)

A man in shape

Getting in solid shape—is a highly desirable trait in today’s society. But, unfortunately, people are more distracted than ever. As a result, not as many folks are willing to invest the time and effort to get themselves physically active. But you can get yourself into good physical shape with boxing, which can be highly addictive and enjoyable.

You can expect to get into good shape after 3-6 weeks of consistent boxing training. However, depending on your current body composition and physical health, the number may range anywhere from 2-12 weeks. For example, if you’re currently obese, getting into a solid physical shape will take longer.

Don’t get me wrong; you will have to invest much effort, sweat, and tears to get yourself into solid physical shape. Furthermore, you will have to invest plenty of time, sometimes money, to improve your physical condition.

Most people aren’t willing to invest the time and hard work it takes to reach such a state. Nevertheless, if you’re one of the few people willing to invest time into getting into good shape, this article is for you.

Before we dive in, if you want to learn more about the mental benefits of boxing, you can follow the link to read an article of mine listing the different ones.

How long does it take to see results from boxing?

Seeing boxing results won’t take as long as many think. However, it will require hard work and consistent training, which many folks won’t be able to withstand. So how long will it take to see noticeable changes?

According to research, it takes, on average, 8-12 weeks to see noticeable results from consistent boxing training. However, it might take much less or much more time than that since it also depends on how dedicated and consistent you are to the boxing training and on your current body composition.

If your aim is—to generally boost your cardiovascular health—eight to 12 weeks is a fairly solid period to do so


Of course, regular physical exercise and boxing are linked to improved health and reduced risk of morbidity and mortality compared with low activity or fitness.

According to Healthline, “if you exercise regularly, over time, you will gain even more fitness benefits. “At 6 to 8 weeks, you can definitely notice some changes,”

You can boost the time it takes to see results from boxing by boxing at home. Doing so, however, can be pretty tricky. First, you’ll need to buy home-gym equipment, which won’t cost as much.

Read a complete guide I wrote on boxing at home by following the link!

Generally, you’ll need to buy a punching bag, boxing gloves, and hand wraps. Follow the links to see the best ones you can buy for your future home gym. That’ll allow you to progress quickly while also enjoying training and protecting yourself in the process.

Can you get in shape by boxing?

Getting yourself in shape—can be more demanding than what many people are willing to invest. That’s why more than 40% of the U.S. population is obese. What if I told you that you could improve your physical condition while enjoying training? Would you be more eager to start your journey?

Boxing will get you into better shape after only a few weeks of training. You will also enjoy exercise more than if you were to do any other form of cardio, such as jogging, running, swimming, and cycling. Boxing can be an enjoyable and addictive way to get into a solid shape.

Eventually, however, many people aren’t willing to invest in improving their physical selves. But, if you are eager to do so, I have no doubts you will be successful if you use boxing as your primary training.

Many studies have shown the countless benefits of physical exercise in your life. For instance, it’s not uncommon to see boxing trainees reporting better mental health and increased confidence and self-esteem.

Concluding, boxing is a suitable and enjoyable way of improving your physical self and getting into shape faster than most forms of cardio.

How many times a week should I box to get in shape?

Avoiding overtraining yourself will save you plenty of time. But, unfortunately, some boxers who take their training too far, either training too often or too hard—will not step in the ring in the near future. So how can you avoid that, one may ask?

Generally, boxing 3 times a week, on non-consecutive days, is the optimal way of getting the most results while avoiding overtraining. If, for example, you train on Monday, followed by Tuesday, you will experience overtraining symptoms, including muscle fatigue and being less excited about boxing.

To prevent overtraining, schedule regular rest days after long or demanding workouts. Take a break from targeting a muscle group for 1 or 2 days if you do weight or resistance training. At the same time, don’t allow for too much time to lapse between workout sessions. Have a rest period during your workout


Resting is critical in optimizing your boxing training routine. You can, however, train even once a week and still see plenty of results.

The 3 times per week is the most optimal way to go about your training. Nevertheless, you’ll still experience plenty of results if you only train once or twice weekly.

Follow the link if you want to learn how often professional boxers train per week.

How long does it take to lose body fat from boxing?

Losing body fat is a highly desirable result. But unfortunately, most people will never take the proper steps toward change. However, boxing trainees will be able to lose body fat while not paying too much attention to doing so. Instead, they enjoy training while burning plenty of calories.

On average, it takes 8 weeks to notice noticeable results in losing body fat from boxing, depending on your current weight and body fat percentage. A good rule of thumb is to lose 1-2 lbs per week. After 8 weeks, you can lose up to 16 lbs while enjoying all the physical benefits. Losing more than that—can be harmful.

Let’s examine another perspective we have on losing body fat: nutrition. Although training can be highly beneficial to this process, we must also optimize our diet and nutrition to become suitable for our goals and priority.

A recent study has examined fat and lean mass loss amongst people who have lost weight with different diets. Here are the results.

Fat and lean mass loss in different diets
Fat and lean mass loss in different diets

The primary takeaway from this section is that you must optimize your lifestyle to lose fat. How many calories you burn in a boxing session doesn’t matter. Instead, what does matter is that you eat healthy while remaining active.

You will notice you’re losing body fat without even noticing it. Do give it a try!

Final words

Boxing can get you in shape quickly. Sometimes, all you have to do is focus on learning the punching techniques. Then, without even noticing, you’ll experience a much healthier and more active you.

I want to encourage you to take the first step and start training if you have yet to do so. I know how scary it can be; I’ve been there and am still there in some areas of life.

Once you step out of your comfort zone, you’ll notice how you begin flourishing. You will experience countless mental and physical benefits, such as increased confidence, better physical condition, less body fat, and even less stress and aggression.

Don’t skip boxing; give it a try.

If you enjoyed reading this article, you’d also enjoy reading about boxing and its effects on manliness and testosterone.


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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