Winning a Boxing Fight Fast – 7 Practical Ways to Do It

Boxing fight

You want to win a boxing fight fast. Welcome to the club. Winning more fights isn’t as hard as you think; it’s all in your mind. You’ll be more likely to win more fights if you can control your mind and focus on practical and specific strategies, which many pros use.

I’ve decided to write this article for those trying to win more fights but have no idea where to start. Boxing is all about listening to people who know better than you about specific topics.

It would be best if you remained a lifelong student to keep progressing. Your job will become much more difficult if your ego controls you. Separate your ego from yourself and start learning.

This article is a fantastic example. Your ego likely controls you if you won’t really pay attention to this article. You want to win more fights and are looking for practical ways you can implement starting today.

Well, you’ll find 7 strategies in this article and a bonus one in the last section of this guide. If you open your mind and separate your ego from yourself, you’ll be more likely to take these tips and implement them.

The answer is written in words below. Don’t hesitate to focus and implement what you’ll learn.

If you’re interested in this topic, you’ll also like an article about the best boxing techniques and combinations all the pros use. So let’s dive into the guide!

#7 – Be unexpected

The first method which will help you win more boxing fights fast is to be unexpected. Now, you can go at it in various ways.

The first way is to start learning and mastering more techniques. If you have never used the sidestep before, for instance, it’s time to learn and use it in your spars and fights.

Likewise, if you’re not a fan of creating angles through defensive moves, such as the pivot, it’s time to master it and use it in your fights.

This is how you become unexpected. Your opponents will get confused when they try to learn about your game. As a result, you’ll use more techniques than they can remember. And as a result, there will be a low chance they’ll develop specific strategies to beat you.

Being unexpected is difficult. Our minds lean toward the known area. However, exploring new territories, you might have been too scared of will be more than beneficial.

Practical step

Start learning more techniques. If you don’t use the sidestep in your fights, for example, master it and start using it. Your opponents will have difficulty learning your game if you remain as unexpected as possible.

#6 – Use more than 5 combinations

Combinations can be what you currently lack to win more fights fast. As we previously discussed, you’re probably leaning toward the known area and are using the same combinations over and over.

This also is related to being unexpected, which was the previous practical method.

Not only will you be more unexpected if you start incorporating more combinations in your toolbox, but you’ll also cause the most damage to your opponent in the least amount of time.

Imagine using various punches you might not use as much, such as the uppercut and hook. These punches can cause serious damage quickly, primarily if you work on them daily.

You can use defensive moves to create angles while executing an offensive combination. For example, I’m a big fan of the jab, slip, followed by a cross. Try learning it and see how it feels.

Practical step

Start learning more offensive combinations. Combine defensive footwork skills with your offensive combinations to create angles. For instance, work on the following combination first and see how it feels: (Jab, Slip, Cross.)

#5 – Create angles by using the slip, sidestep, and the pivot

This method is the most specific one in this article. Implementing it, however, will skyrocket your boxing skills. So let’s see how you can do it yourself.

Creating angles is what I believe to be the most underrated skill in boxing. Unfortunately, most inexperienced and even amateur boxers don’t use it often. As a result, they feel stuck in their fights.

Have you ever felt unable to do anything in a fight? If so, this can be what solves this issue for you.

You can create angles by using defensive moves (that boxers use to avoid hits) and then counterpunching. This, for example, is what Floyd Mayweather uses when he leans forward to bait the opponent; when his opponent throws a punch, he leans backward and throws a powerful cross back to make the opponent dizzy.

That’s how he won much more fights faster than the average professional boxer.

Practical step

Think about ways and techniques you can use to change your position inside the boxing ring to give you a better angle on the opponent. This might be baiting him to punch and then throwing a fierce counterpunch back after you have avoided it.

#4 – Don’t let the opponent set the pace

Setting the pace in your boxing match—is critical. You want to have as much control over the fight, so you’ll also have the ability to decide when you want to finish it.

Of course, you’ll sometimes be able to set the pace, as you’ll be outmatched against a better boxer. And still, setting up the pace is a skill you can work on.

You can start making it a habit. So, how do you do that?

See how it feels to set up the fight’s pace by being more aggressive and creating more angles—all the techniques in this article link. Of course, you don’t have to choose and perfect it, although you can.

But you can also take 2-7 methods from this article and implement them together. It’ll give you more rewards than you might currently think.

Practical step

Start setting the pace in your spars. See how it feels to be in control of the boxing match. Make setting the fight’s pace a habit, and don’t let your opponent control the match. Your chances of winning the fight fast will diminish if you do.

#3 – Never look tired or beat up

How would you react if your opponent put his hands on his knees and leaned forward between rounds? First, you would think you’re on the verge of winning, giving you more motivation to win the fight.

But how would you react if your opponent always started at you, even between rounds? Your adrenaline will likely spike, and you might even be slightly afraid or feel beat up.

Boxers use this primary psychological method to ensure their opponents get tired faster. As a result, they’ll never look beat up or tired, even when they’re most fatigued.

Practical step

Stare directly at your opponent with an open chest and your head up whenever you’re tired and want to stop fighting. This will let the opponent know you’re not even close to exhausted, giving you a psychological advantage.

#2 – Listen to your coach’s notes between rounds

Admit it or not, your coach probably knows more than you about boxing strategies and techniques. As a result, you must listen to him more often if you want to give yourself the upper hand.

He should be an invaluable asset in your mind. Finally, you have someone who knows his boxing, giving you notes mid-fight. Listening to these notes can be the difference between losing and winning a fight.

If you want to know whether you can box without a coach, follow the link to an article where I answer this question.

Practical step

Implement the notes your coach gives you between rounds. Your coach is a person who knows a thing or two about boxing, and he’s capable of looking at the fight from an outsider’s view. So, don’t hesitate to implement his notes.

#1 – Use your strengths more often

Although I’m a big fan of working on your weaknesses more often, you sometimes need to stick with what’s already working.

Use it more often if your left hook is your most powerful punch. However, that doesn’t mean you should stop using and learning other punches or combinations.

You must always keep learning; you’ll lose more matches if you stick with only what you know.

However, your strengths can be the ace in your sleeve you pull out to finish fights and set the fight’s pace. That’s how you control the fight and win more often.

Practical step

Think about your strong points more often. While you’re more likely to lean toward them and use them more often in your fights, think about using them more often if you haven’t already. This will give you an advantage while allowing you to win fights more quickly.

Bonus strategy – Remain a lifelong student

I’ve included an 8th way you can implement today to ensure you never stop evolving. Remaining a lifelong student is key to developing your game and staying unexpected.

Think about Floyd Mayweather, one of the most influential boxers in history. Do you think he could dominate his competition if he always used the same techniques? I think not.

Floyd has been evolving since his debut. That’s how he dominated his competition and won fights faster. A single glimpse at his statistics says it all. (50 wins – 0 losses – 27 knockouts)

Practical step

Learn at least one thing about boxing in all your sessions. Avoid attracting yourself to your comfort zone. Instead, step out of it and keep learning more and more about this beautiful art.

Final words

You can take specific steps today to ensure you win fights more often. This might look like remaining a lifelong student and thus constantly evolving.

Moreover, it can create more angles using defensive footwork drills, such as the sidestep and the slip.

If you’re interested in winning fights more often, taking a few of these ways and making them a habit—will have that effect. So, don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and evolve your game.

You’ll also enjoy reading about the 7 ways to box without a punching bag if you enjoyed reading this article!


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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