Wearing a Watch While Boxing – Should You Do It?


Wearing various accessories while boxing—can be problematic. While it might break in the process of throwing your strikes, you might hurt yourself in the process. That said, particular watch brands have designed their product to be suitable for boxing. Not only will it not break, but it’ll also count your punches.

As a general rule, wearing a watch while boxing—isn’t something you should do. However, an Apple Watch, for instance, can withstand large amounts of impact and even has a punch tracker. Nevertheless, a typical watch is more likely to break from the large amounts of impact of the strikes.

A typical watch is, indeed, likely to break under the immense pressure of constant hitting. As a result, avoiding wearing one altogether during your box sessions—is best practice.

However, various brands are much more suitable for that purpose. The company behind them have specifically designed them to withstand high amounts of impact, and made them unbreakable from such an activity.

Likewise, the Apple Watch, for example, will also measure the force of your punches. Such a feature can be extremely useful for measuring your progress. Over time, you’ll get motivated from the positive changes you have made.

Before we dive into the article, if you want to learn more about joint pain during boxing and how you can prevent it, follow the link to an article of mine on the topic.

Can you box with an Apple Watch?

Apple Watches are extremely durable and have countless beneficial features in them. For example, you can stream music, send texts, and even make emergency calls. However, let’s examine whether you can wear it under your boxing gloves while throwing punches.

Boxing with an Apple Watch is possible, as it can withstand the resistance and impact from the punches. In fact, it includes a punch tracker, which can count how many punches you throw and in what force. However, it might hurt your wrist when wearing it with both hand wraps and gloves.

It might, however, be quite painful for some. If you feel physical pain while wearing your watch under your hand wraps and gloves, do cease all training and take it off first.

It’s unlikely to break; but, it might injure you as a result of the stress it creates under your hand wraps and gloves. Do pay attention to that while you are boxing with it.

Can you box with a watch on?

Typical watches are likely to break under the immense pressure of constant punching. If that does occur, it will end up injuring you and possibly your partner. So, why bother wearing it in the first place?

As a general rule, boxing with a watch isn’t a good idea. However, some specific brands will be able to withstand large amounts of impact. In fact, brands, such as Apple Watch, also have a punch tracker, that track both the number and the force of the punches you throw.

Boxing training
Photo by Jesse van Vliet on Unsplash

There really is no benefit to wearing a watch when boxing. Unless you’re trying to carefully measure your performance and optimize it in accordance, there’s no reason to measure yourself under boxing.

If, however, you’re wearing an Apple Watch, you can actually track more than your heart rate or blood pressure. In fact, it can measure your strikes’ force and thus allow you to see your progress. Such a feature is extremely useful.

Can an Apple Watch count punches?

The feature the Apple Watch presents to boxing—is invaluable. Really, people have tried measuring the force of their punches, and it was extremely difficult to do so consistently. As such, it became difficult to track the progress of force from punches.

An Apple Watch can, indeed, count punches. It can also count the force of the punches you throw, which can definitely be of help to your boxing progression. If you’re trying to improve your punches’ speed and force, an Apple Watch will certainly be a suitable fit.

Now, however, you can measure the force of your punches time after time. As a result, you’ll be able to see just how much you’re really progressing.

Of course, I still encourage you to avoid wearing your Apple Watch while boxing altogether. You can, if you really want, put it on when you want to measure the force of your strikes. As for the rest of the time, it’ll be best to take it off.

Can you wear Fitbit while boxing?

Fitbit, like the Apple Watch, will not break under the influence of your punches. Contrary to the Apple Watch, however, it won’t measure the force of your punches, which is the most valuable feature I saw in a long time.

Boxing with various watch brands, such as Fitbit—is possible. It won’t break from the punches impact. However, it can get uncomfortable to wear your Fitbit under both hand wraps and gloves. As a result, you might prefer to take it off when sparring and training with the heavy bag.

Boxing match
Photo by Derek coleman on Unsplash

Do be aware of the dangers of wearing a watch while boxing. You might be able to not have it break. But, it might hurt you in the process.

Final words

To end this article, I want to ask you a real question: does tracking your workout worth the risk of having a watch on? You might have answered yes, and I’m completely fine with that. If you have an Apple Watch or a Fitbit, you’ll be solid to wear it under such conditions.

On the other hand, for me personally, I don’t see a reason for you to wear a watch while boxing. Unless you’re trying to carefully optimize your punches, which shouldn’t be the case, put it away while boxing; you’ll minimize your risk of getting injured in the process.

If you enjoyed reading this article, you’ll also enjoy reading about whether boxing should be a school sport. Spoiler alert, it depends. Follow the link to learn more!


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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