Muay Thai – Here’s Why You Feel So Good Doing It

Feel So Good After Muay Thai

How did you feel after the last time you did Muay Thai? In my experience, I feel extremely good after I’m done with the class every single time. First, I’m proud of myself, as I know how hard it is to start and stay consistent in such a difficult endeavor. However, there are more reasons that this feeling happens, and most of these reasons are actually subconscious.

I found it very motivating to understand the source of my “feel good” feeling, as I understood how my brain works, which is always great to know. All in all, it felt awesome to understand the reasoning behind my feelings. This is why I’ve decided to write this article.

Today, I want to share the five most prominent reasons for that “feel good” feeling, which you’ll experience often when doing Thai Boxing. It’s the same feeling you feel when accomplish something you’re proud of, such as winning a spar or a major fight.

All in all, it’s one of the best feelings out there, and it comes from complete purity, which is precisely what we want to have more of in our lives.

So buckle up, and let’s dive into the first reason why you feel so good after Muay Thai!

Reason #1 – Endorphin Release

The first reason is a process you can’t control. However, you probably know when this process occurs in your brain, as you can probably identify various feelings and correlate them to activities already.

A physical activity like Muay Thai triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural chemicals in the body that act as mood enhancers. These endorphins help reduce stress, anxiety, and pain, leading to a sense of euphoria and improved mood after your training session.

Actually, endorphins are responsible for the feeling of well-being, which won’t come to you as often in the training itself. However, it can definitely come in training if you’ve just won a spar or landed a few clean hits. That said, the feel-good post-workout is mostly due to the slow release of dopamine in your brain.

Personally, I find that the harder the workout I just did, hence the faster and longer I ran (if I’m running), the better I’ll feel afterward. As a result, we can understand that because Muay Thai training is one of the more intense workouts you’ll ever have, you’ll feel extremely good after it, especially if you’ve been able to land some shots in your spars and are overall proud of yourself.

Train, Suffer, Feel Good

Reason #2 – Stress Relief

I’ve understood something about myself that I hope more people will understand soon. Here it is. I build tension, stress, and overall fatigue just by living my usual life. Because I think about things that stress me out, I build tons of tension.

Releasing this tension is one of the most important and beneficial things you can do to elevate your well-being and sense of accomplishment. All in all, it’ll help you feel much, much better.

Muay Thai provides an outlet for stress and tension. The intense physical activity and focused training demand your full attention, helping you take your mind off everyday worries and problems. This redirection of focus can lead to a reduction in stress and a calmer state of mind.

We’ll talk more about mindfulness and redirection of focus in the 5th reason, so stay tuned for that.

But indeed, by releasing all your tension, you’re going to be much calmer. Your mind will seem like it’s in total peace during and after the workout. There’s going to be stress, fear, and hardship along the way. But if you can manage to bypass the fears and the hard times, you’re going to feel so much better afterward.

So make that investment in yourself and release all your stress.

Martial Arts Reduce Stress
Martial Arts Reduce Stress

Learn about more reasons why martial arts reduce stress—by following this link!

Reason #3 – Sense of Accomplishment

The benefits of consistent and dedicated Muay Thai training are endless. You’ll better your mental and physical selves as one, which is more than desired in today’s world. If you can look good, you’ll also feel better than ever.

But there’s one benefit that exceeds all others. This result you’ll eventually attain will be the best thing that has ever happened to you. This thing is self-respect. You’ll begin to realize what you’re truly worth, as most people nowadays are likely not appreciating themselves as much. And that feeling can only come from having suffered and accomplished enough.

Setting and achieving goals in Muay Thai, such as learning new techniques, improving your skills, or winning a spar or a major fight, can provide a strong sense of accomplishment. Accomplishing these goals boosts self-esteem and self-confidence, leading to a positive emotional state.

It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself. I’ve been able to boost my self-esteem and confidence by accomplishing more, and I’ve been able to do that through Muay Thai training. You can’t understand the level of self-respect you’ll gain for yourself by accomplishing more and doing so more often.

This alone is worth the time and effort you’ll invest in Thai Boxing training.


Reason #4 – Social Interaction and Support

Today, the era of social media has caused the number of meaningful social interactions to decrease. We’ve been conditioned to do everything online, including talking to people and sharing our thoughts. However, we stopped doing that in real life, where that type of interaction is most important.

Muay Thai classes often involve group training sessions or sparring with partners. Engaging with others who share your interest in the sport can lead to social interaction and a sense of belonging. The support and camaraderie of fellow practitioners can contribute to a positive emotional experience.

“Social connection with others can help: Improve your ability to recover from stress, anxiety, and depression. Promote healthy eating, physical activity, and weight. Improve sleep, well-being, and quality of life.”

Social Connections

A single glimpse of these benefits will make you understand just how important social connection with others can be. And that doesn’t have to be deep connections where you’re talking for a few hours and having this really deep conversation. In fact, it can be a single exchange of Hellos and that will make you feel more welcome wherever you are.

If you step into your fighting gym and are greeted by five people, you’re more likely to feel good than if you were to walk in and have everyone ignore you. So make the initiative and say hello to more people. Try to make as many connections as possible with people; make it a habit.

Muay Thai will naturally do that, which is why it makes you feel so good.

Boxing Gloves Ad

If you want to see which gym bags are most suitable for Muay Thai training, which will help you keep your equipment fresh and not stinky, follow this link.

Reason #5 – Mind-Body Connection

Muay Thai requires a strong connection between your mind and body to execute techniques effectively. Developing this mind-body connection not only enhances your physical performance but can also foster a sense of mindfulness and presence, which can lead to a more positive outlook on life.

When have you truly immersed yourself in an activity, making it your entire and sole focus? The answer could be today. But for most people, the answer will be “I can’t remember when.”

You’ll be required to focus just on the Muay Thai session because your mind will naturally steer away from getting punched in the face. Your entire focus will be on “How can I avoid getting hit and win the fight?” This will be your sole focus.

And this promotes mind-body connection, which has been shown to improve well-being and promote the release of “feel-good” hormones, such as endorphins and dopamine.

Another way to improve that connection is through meditation, which is entirely about promoting that sense of well-being by focusing on one single thing. I love focusing on my breathing, if you’re interested in meditation.

And again, the key word here is a mind-body connection, or in a term you might be more familiar with; mindfulness.

Focus on Yourself

Final Words

The last takeaway I want you to get from this article is that Muay Thai is easy and that’ll you’ll feel whilst doing it. That wasn’t my aim with this article. Instead, I wanted to share with you why suffering during the workout and overcoming the obstacles will help you feel so much better after the training is over.

Of course, there’ll be times when you’ll feel extremely good when you’re in the hardest times. For example, I sometimes feel good at the hardest spar, as I know that I’m currently doing something that most people will never even dream of doing, which makes me feel better.

All in all, you’ll feel amazing once you commence your training.

Here are other articles you’ll benefit from reading:

The True Cost of Muay Thai Classes – Beyond the Price Tag

Muay Thai – Why and How It Reduces Stress and Anger (List)

How to Learn Muay Thai at Home (9 Simple Steps)

The 7 Reasons Why People Fall in Love With Muay Thai

Here’s How Long Learning Muay Thai REALLY Takes (Timeline)


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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