Muay Thai – Why and How It Reduces Stress and Anger (List)

Muay Thai Anger Management

Muay Thai is one of the most effective and beneficial martial arts one can learn. This article is going to examine the correlation between stress, anger, and regular Muay Thai practice.

According to a study: Stress can promote cardiovascular and metabolic responses that may favor the development of a number of diseases, especially when it is experienced chronically.

So stress isn’t particularly beneficial. Honestly, we all could use a break from stress, especially in today’s world, which promotes racing from one goal to another. While I understand the benefits pressure and stress can have on productivity and overall results, it can also harm one’s well-being, which is far more important than most traits out there.

What we’ll review in this article are five reasons why Muay Thai practice can lead to reduced stress and anger levels amongst its trainees. We’ll also examine various studies that support each reason, which is going to give the reasons much more credibility.

Let’s dive into the first reason!

Reason #1 – Physical Activity and Endorphin Release

The first thing we can say about Muay Thai is that it’s an intense physical activity. In fact, it’s one of the most intense ones I’ve partaken in, and my history with sports and martial arts is long.

Muay Thai involves rigorous physical training, including striking techniques, clinching, and cardio workouts. Engaging in intense physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, which are natural “feel-good” hormones. These endorphins can help elevate your mood, reduce stress, and alleviate feelings of anger.

According to Cleveland Clinic, “they (endorphins) help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being.

Train, Suffer, Feel Good

If you’ve ever done any Muay Thai training, you know how vigorous it can get. I mean, it’s filled with suffering, actual pain, and cardio effort. But, the more suffering there is, the more fulfilled and less stressed you’ll be at the end of the fighting session, making Thai Boxing one of the best physical activities for reducing stress, aggression, and anger levels.

We’ll soon examine the correlation between aggression, anger, and stress, so make sure to stay tuned for that!

To learn about what equipment you must bring to your first Muay Thai class, follow this link.

Reason #2 – Outlet for Frustration, Tension, Stress, and Anger

I’ll give myself as an example for this section. When I don’t release my built energy and the tension I built throughout the week, I’ll eventually go crazy. I’ll move around like a maniac and will really want to move around, run, train, or do anything that’ll help me get this energy out of me. I’m exactly like a dog acts when it doesn’t run for a few days.

Muay Thai provides a controlled environment to release built-up tension and frustration. Punching, kicking, and practicing techniques on pads and bags allow individuals to channel their energy positively. This outlet for physical expression can help release pent-up emotions and provide a sense of relief.

The data showed that, on average, martial artists have lower levels of depression, anxiety, stress, and anger

Martial Arts Reduce Stress

When we’re angry, we punch our pillows. When we’re sad or depressed, we release it by doing something else or channeling this energy elsewhere. This is precisely what Muay Thai will allow you to do. It’ll allow you to channel your energy and tension toward a positive light, which is to improve yourself.

The harder the training is, the more tired you’ll be at the end of it, and the less stressed and angry you’ll feel. Try it out and you’ll see that it works!

Reason #3 – Focused Mindfulness

The regular practice of MA could elevate MF levels of practitioners and thus influence positively on stress management and therefore quality of life and well-being.

martial arts stress relief
Diagram showing the reciprocal activity between martial arts, mindfulness, mindful exercise, and stress.

Muay Thai requires a high level of concentration and focus during training. Engaging in the practice demands your full attention, which can divert your mind from stressors and anger-triggering thoughts. This focused mindfulness can lead to a temporary escape from daily worries and promote mental clarity.

Previous studies examining the impact of martial arts training on mental health and wellbeing have found positive results, which has also been confirmed by a systematic review and meta-analysis. Results have included martial arts training reducing symptoms associated with anxiety and depression; and promoting characteristics associated with wellbeing. 


Mindfulness and stress management are closely connected. By working on your mindfulness, or how well you can be in the moment when doing a certain activity. This is why meditation relaxes you as much as it does. The same applies to Muay Thai or any other activity where you’ll be 100% invested.

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Reason #4 – Structured Routine

An important thing that’s lacking in today’s world is a routine. Today, the closest people get to a routine is waking up, going to work, returning, watching TV, and falling asleep. Breaking this routine by inserting an activity like Muay Thai—can be an incredibly beneficial thing.

Following a structured training routine in Muay Thai can offer a sense of discipline and routine in one’s life. Having a regular schedule and goals to achieve within the sport can help provide a sense of purpose and direction. This structured approach can be particularly beneficial in managing stress and reducing erratic emotions.

It’s easy to lose a sense of achievement or goals in today’s world. Muay Thai will act as a platform for you to challenge yourself and overcome various obstacles, which will (1) increase self-respect, and (2) it’ll insert a disciplined routine into your life.

Aiming for a certain goal and dedicating yourself to achieving it—is more than beneficial to your mental health and well-being, which is closely related to stress and anger management abilities.

If you don’t know what equipment you need to have for your Muay Thai journey, I wrote an ultimate guide that lists all the Muay Thai equipment you’ll need to learn and progress faster than everyone else!

Reason #5 – Self-Confidence and Empowerment

Let me cite a study that was conducted on Karate practitioners. I’ll do that because the study outlines the exact reasons why Karate was so effective in improving the confidence and self-esteem of practitioners. These reasons also characterize Muay Thai, so we can assume that the results will be the same in Muay Thai. As you can imagine, no research backs my claims.

We recommend directing young people to karate as a successful method to cope with stress
and increase self-confidence.

Believe in Yourself

As individuals progress in their Muay Thai training and witness improvements in their skills, they often experience a boost in self-confidence and empowerment. Gaining competence in a physical skill can translate to a sense of accomplishment and resilience, which can help individuals better manage stress and anger by promoting a positive self-image.

Imagine how much more you’d respect yourself if you knew you were doing your absolute best to achieve a certain goal. The amount of sheer force and willingness it takes to stay consistent in Muay Thai is bigger than most people can handle.

But we’re not like most people, as we can stay consistent in Thai Boxing and continuously better our lives. Never strive to be like most people. Strive for exceptionalism.


Final Words

So as you can imagine, Muay Thai is one of the best activities to reduce stress and anger levels. You can use the knowledge you acquired in this article to motivate yourself to keep going, especially if you’re an overly stressed, aggressive, or angry individual.

Comment down below whether you’ve experienced any benefit in this regard from Muay Thai. If so, what do you think was the reason for that?

Here are other articles you’ll definitely benefit from reading:

How to Learn Muay Thai at Home (9 Simple Steps)

The 7 Reasons Why People Fall in Love With Muay Thai

Can You Do Muay Thai if You’re Skinny? Fighter Weighs In

The True Cost of Muay Thai Classes – Beyond the Price Tag

Best Muay Thai Gym Bags for Hygiene and Transportation



I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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