What is The Point of Carrying a Pocket Knife? Full Guide

Pocket knife

I’m a big fan of pocket knives. I always have been. Since I was a little boy, I loved that it opens up and folds right back in. My brother bought a butterfly knife when he turned 18. Ever since I am addicted to these knives, They’re so fun to play. 

I think that in today’s era, everyone who wishes to defend themselves should buy a pocket knife. It’s lightweight, accessible, lethal, and, most importantly, sharp. It’s too much to ignore. Thus you won’t find me dead without a pocket knife on me. There are many reasons for a person to carry a knife. In this post, I’ll cover the point of having a pocket knife and why you should buy one. 


What is the point of carrying a pocket knife?

A knife is a tool that provides high utility. As a result, it became popular amongst all ages. I know many people in their late 80’s that has a knife and take it on them.  

There are many reasons one would carry a pocket knife. Generally, people have a knife on them to protect themselves if they ever need to. In addition, it provides a high level of utility, which makes it useful for many situations. Many outdoor activists, such as hunters, and hikers have a pocket knife on them at all times. 


guy pointing a gun
Image by Thomas Rüdesheim from Pixabay

People like to feel protected. As a result, when they feel unprotected, they’ll do anything to fix it. Thus some people who appear defenseless and want to arm themselves will buy a knife. A knife is lightweight, accessible, sharp, and lethal. Hence people prefer to have it on them at all times. 

When a hostile attack you, pulling out your knife can intimidate him and make the attacker fleet. The whole point of self-defense is to avoid injuries, not to disable the attacker. If you can use the intimidation method and force the opponent to flee before striking once, you have done your job. You saved the situation. 

In addition, with the knife, you can assist others that are in need. Some people don’t believe in carrying a weapon. They might think that it’s not safe and overall not a wise choice. Thus they’ll need your assistance when they’re in danger. Because of that, you need to be aware of the surroundings and understand the situation. If you don’t, you may miss some people calls for help. Later, they may get injured, or even worse. 

I hope you take from this section a few things. First, self-defense is all about avoiding injuries, not about disabling the attacker and saving the day. If you make him run away, you won. Thus we want to use the intimidation method as much as possible. For that, we want to be confident and self-aware. 

Second, force yourself to understand the surroundings and adapt when needed. If you move around with earphones, that’s fine. As long as look around and force yourself to understand what’s going on on your sides. You have responsibility on your shoulders. You are carrying a knife, and ensure you use it for positive purposes. 

Why should you carry a pocket knife?

Another reason to carry a pocket knife on you everywhere is the utility it provides. There are many knife brands and types out there. Thus you want to purchase the fitting one for yourself. If you are into survival and you might need many tools, then a multifunction knife may be the right one for you. 

However, if your main point for carrying a pocket knife is to defend yourself, then you might want to buy a penknife, which is single-bladed. That will fit your needs and will help you in the long run. 

Thus, before buying a knife, ensure you know which one you need. After you chose your knife and ordered it, you’ll understand how useful it can be for you. It will help you in performing daily tasks and will improve your quality of life. You won’t be able to live a single month without using it at least a few times. It’s just something you get used to, and later you can stop using it. 

If you can’t get a weapon, a knife may be for you. There are many reasons why you can’t purchase a gun. If you can’t afford it, or you may don’t want to carry one. You still feel defensless. So, buying a self-defense tool is an item you want to get. 

A knife is cheap. Thus even people with a low budget for a weapon can get one. In addition, you may don’t want to spend a lot of money on a gun license and constantly shooting it in a shooting range. In that case, buying a knife is the best choice for you. 

Finally, there are many reasons you want to buy a knife. Whether you are an outdoor activist or solely someone who’s looking for an accessible weapon, a knife may be for you.

tactical gear
Image by joshlsnader from Pixabay

Why shouldn’t you carry a knife?

I am a big fan of knives. Generally, I would recommend anyone to buy a knife. However, some people will buy a blade and never use it. As a result, it’s not worth it for them to buy one in the first place. 

There are people out there who are anti-weapons. As a result, they’re against buying such tools. These people will prefer feeling defenseless and relying on others rather than protecting themselves. 

If you’ve read my post about why I carry a knife all the time, you are familiar with my will to assist others. People will rely on others to protect them in a time of need. When they have no help surrounding them, they’re lost. Because of that, I carry a knife on me at all times, If such an instance will occur. 

We are all empathetic. Every one of us does not want to hurt others or the vast majority. For such reasons, people are not willing to buy a knife. Even in a case where they’ll need assistance, they will refuse to use a self-defense tool. 

We, the knife carriers, are not responsible for them. However, we are responsible for ourselves and our surroundings. As a result, I advise you, constantly stay aware of your surroundings. I can’t stress this enough. If you ever encounter a case where somebody needs help, don’t hesitate. At least call law enforcement. 


There are plenty of reasons for one to carry a knife. If you feel defenseless, or you want the utility it provides, a knife is for you. In addition, you may look for other benefits one gives and end up buying one. However, some people prefer not to have any weapon associated with them. Thus they will not own any self-defense tool ever. 


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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