What Is a Pocket Knife? Butterfly, Penknife & Uses

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These days, many people are looking to arm themselves. While some purchased a pistol that they can carry around, many didn’t want to. As such, they were looking for other self-defense weapons. So, in time of need, they can defend themselves suitably. 

Europe of 2015 was full of chaos. That was the rise of ISIS. You might remember what you were doing while the November 13 attack in Paris was happening. I sure do. 

People were starting to realize that purchasing a knife may be a wiser choice. They were looking for the perfect self-defense knife. Then, they stumbled upon a type of knife called a pocket knife. 

This knife is sharp, lightweight, accessible, lethal, and you can sharpen itIt was even legal to carry worldwide. In that time, the TSA made it possible to take a pocket knife in checked baggage. Although it wasn’t permitted to bring a pocket knife on an airplane, it’s still progress. 

In this post, I’ll be covering what a pocket knife is, the types of different pocket knives, and their uses. 

Are pocket knives allowed on a plane?

What is a pocket knife?

A pocket knife is a folding knife that can fit in your pocket. It is a weapon for self-defense, and many people arm themselves with it. A pocket knife is accessible, carryable, lightweight, sharp, lethal, and compact. As such, many people started carrying one. 

The pocket knife became popular after the incident of 9/11. Because terror seemed like it was everywhere, people were feeling defenseless. Although many people were anti-gun, a pocket knife is not that big of a deal. As a result, anti-gun protesters were arming themselves with pocket knives. 

Around that time, it was clear that a change was needed. Something needed to happen to counter-terrorism. That is when TSA started to enforce new rules. These rules are supposed to assure no one is carrying any dangerous weapons on them in public transportation, such as airplanes. As a result, terror had decreased in the US.

So, why do people purchase a pocket knife? The answer is that they want to arm themselves. A pocket knife is the most competent weapon for self-defense out there. There are a few ways you can use a pocket knife against a hostile attacker. First, the intimidation technique, and the second is the offense approach. Read more about them in this post. (Tips to using a pocket knife for self-defense)

To summarize, a pocket knife is a compact knife that fits in your pocket. It is best used for self-defense and as an intimidating weapon. Additionally, it has a few types. Such as the butterfly, penknife, and the multifunctional knife

What is a butterfly knife?

A butterfly knife is a type of pocket knife that folds and can fit in your pocket. It originates from the Philippines and is known as the fan knife. It has two handles that rotate around the tang. One of the reasons it became popular is that many people perform various maneuvers with it.

Because butterfly knives can be deadly, they became illegal in many places. Most states classify the fan knife as a switchblade or a dagger. Knife legislation is different in many countries. That is why you ought to read more about the laws in the country you live in, to avoid problems. 

The butterfly knife first originated in the tagalong region in the Philippines. The Filipinos used it as a self-defense knife and a utility knife. At that time, the fan knife started to become popular worldwide. Many people liked the idea of it. Later, they bought it. 

Then, the usage of butterfly knives in some states became a problem. People were using it for the wrong reasons. As a result, it became illegal to carry in public. If you get caught having a fan knife on you, the police can arrest you with ease. 

What is a penknife?

 A penknife is a small pocket knife. It has a single folding or fixed blade and is best suited for self-defense purposes. Its blade folds into its handle, making it a compact and lightweight knife. In most cases, people who don’t want to arm themselves with a pistol will purchase a penknife. Lastly, it is the British term for a pocket knife. 

People used the penknife to sharpen their quills, preparing them for use as dip pens. As a result, it’s called a penknife. 

A penknife might not necessarily have a folding blade. As such, it is a type of pocket knife. Usually, people believe that a penknife is a synonym for a pocket knife. But it is simply wrong. So, what is the difference between a pocket knife and a penknife?

What is the difference between a pocket knife and a penknife?

A penknife is a type of pocket knife. A pocket knife is a small and compact knife with a folding blade. However, a penknife is small, with a fixed or a folding blade. Both can fit into a pocket. Hence the names. 

Additionally, while people construct them both to fit into a pocket, the penknife is usually more petite. As a result, people buy the penknife for its compactibility and lethality. If you are looking to arm yourself with a pocket knife, consider purchasing a penknife. It is a shorter version that still maintains sharpness. 

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Best uses for a pocket knife

There are many uses for a pocket knife. It provides many benefits to the user and is one of the most renowned self-defense tools currently available. It is cheap, and you don’t need a license to carry one. Additionally, it is legal to carry in public. However, you can’t bring it on an airplane but in checked baggage. 


As we have mentioned previously, it is one of the most famous self-defense tools people use today. Because it’s lightweight, compact, accessible, carryable, and legal to carry, people started to buy it worldwide. It’s an excellent fit for people who are don’t want to arm themselves with a pistol or a rifle. I recommend you read the article about tips to use a pocket knife for self-defense


If you’re a fisherman, you need a sharp tool to help you complete tasks. As a result, they started to use pocket knives. Cutting is mutual amongst them, and it’s why they require to have a pocket knife on them at all times. 

Open packages

sealed package
Image by josemiguels from Pixabay

These days, most people order many products online. As a result, packages reach people at an extremely high rate. As such, you need a tool to open them. That is where pocket knives come into play. A sharp blade is all you need to open a package. Because it’s so accessible, people use it as their central package opener. 

Cut foods

You may be familiar with the struggle of cutting vegetables. Most people use an amateur knife to cut their food. While pocket knives don’t cut vegetables and fruits at the best quality, it does the job. Therefore, it can be your go-to knife to cut foods. 

Open cans

I served in a special operations unit. In my training, I needed to open food cans many times. As a result, I needed an appropriate tool to help me open cans at a rapid rate. To this day, I still use the multifunctional pocket knife I bought for $100 at a local store. That is why I can assure you that a multifunctional knife will assist you in opening cans fast. 


We have discussed in the previous section about self-defense. You might think these are the same. However, both are different. You don’t have to carry a sharp blade to hurt someone in a self-defense scenario. You can bring it on you to have an intimidation sense. Let’s say you get caught in a sticky situation. By having people know you are armed, you will not get targeted by hostiles. As such, you can carry a knife exclusively for intimidation purposes. 

Cut a seatbelt

seat belt
Image by cfarnsworth from Pixabay

You may have heard about some car accidents where one of the casualties got stuck in a seatbelt. Later, most of them can’t get out of the car, which is notably dangerous. By carrying a pocket knife on you or inside your vehicle, you can avoid such circumstances. 

Cut shrubs while camping

People who go camping are familiar with the struggle of getting stuck. Whether you survive in the woods or camping with your family, it’s essential to carry a knife. That way, you can cut bushes someone gets stuck inside a shrub. 

Starting a fire 

Image by David Mark from Pixabay 

Many people are unfamiliar with the process of starting a fire. Generally, you have to create the first spark and later maintaining it. The complex part is generating that spark that starts it all. As a result, there are many products available that will assist you in getting them. One of them is the pocket knife. 

Cutting in emergencies 

Many things can happen to you and your surroundings. You can get stuck in an elevator, or you might have a bleeding wound that needs medical intervention. In these times, a pocket comes in real handy. You can create pressure on a bleeding wound in many ways. Some can be cutting something to cover up the injury. In addition, if someone gets stuck in an elevator, you can cut their clothes

To summarize, pocket knives have endless uses. If you’re creative enough, you will never run out of applications. That is why you should purchase one. 


Pockets knives have many different types and use. There is the butterfly (fan) knife and the penknife. Additionally, a multifunctional knife is also a pocket knife. 

Following the events of 9/11, people felt defenseless. As a result, they began arming themselves. Some were purchasing a pistol, and others bought different types of knives. If you believe you need to arm yourself, I recommend checking out different pocket knives. Because of their compatibility and accessibility, they make fantastic self-defense tools. 


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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