Comparing Capoeira vs. Muay Thai – Pros & Cons

Capoeira vs. Muay Thai

Capoeira and Muay Thai are two of the most interesting and mesmerizing martial arts worldwide. By learning one of them, you’ll not only become a competent, fierce fighter, but you’ll also better yourself in the process.

However, they’re incredibly different, as their philosophies and fighting approaches are entirely different. So, if you want to learn one of them, it’ll be best if you read the following article.

Let’s now discuss which of them will win in a fight.

Muay Thai teaches more effective and practical techniques than Capoeira, so it’ll be more likely to win in a bout between the two. Likewise, Muay Thai, aka Thai Boxing includes more sparing and overall fighting than the infamous Capoeira. Therefore, it makes for all-around better fighters.

What we’ll do in this article is very simple. I’ll present you with all the known facts about these two fantastic martial arts. Then, I’ll give you my personal opinion regarding each of the things we’ll be discussing, so you can begin to form your own opinion.

Let’s now dive into the first section, where we’ll review what Capoeira is.

Table of Contents

  1. What Is Capoeira?
  2. What Is Muay Thai?
  3. Muay Thai vs. Capoeira – Who Will Win in a Fight?
  4. Differences Between Capoeira and Muay Thai
  5. Testimonials
  6. Final Words

What Is Capoeira?

Capoeira’s origin is mostly a mystery, so I’ll tell you what we do now. We know that it was created by slaves who were taken from Africa to Brazil by Portuguese Colonists. This is why it’s as popular as it is today in Brazil.

Capoeira’s story is truly mesmerizing. Let me actually start by covering an interesting phenomenon you might see if you visit Brazil. What you might see is a crowd of people signing this song that I can’t get out of my head because of all the research for this article. Inside the crowd, there are two people who do Capoeira as sort of a game, which they call “dance”. Why is that interesting?

The African slaves used to hide the fact that they were learning self-defense and fighting techniques by hiding Capoeira as a dance and not a martial art. This is how they were able to not only maintain and keep Capoeira alive but also spread it all over the world.

Capoeira Demo

So what will you learn in Capoeira?

You’ll mostly learn kicking techniques if you decide to pick up this Brazilian martial art called Capoeira. You’ll also learn striking and even some grappling, but, like Taekwondo, you’ll mostly learn kicks.

What Is Muay Thai?

Muay Thai is one of the most effective martial arts in today’s world. It originates in Thailand, where it’s currently their national sport. In fact, its influence on the people of Thailand was so vast and heavy that many people immediately think of this martial art when you remind them of the country itself.

Muay Thai, aka The Art of Eight Limbs, teaches you to strike the opponent with eight different contact points. It’s as effective as it is because you’ll learn fighting techniques that actually work, such as elbow strikes, knee strikes, kicks, and punches. You’ll also practice various throws and learn to use the clinch.

It’s one of the most powerful martial arts in the entire world, and that’s for a good reason. It was constructed to teach the people of Thailand self-defense. Some claim that it was more destructive back in history compared to today, as it has increased its focus on the sport rather than on the fighting aspect.

Real History of Muay Thai

Learn about the required equipment to bring with you to your first Muay Thai class by following this link.

Anyway, let’s now review who will win in a fight!

Muay Thai vs. Capoeira – Who Will Win in a Fight?

So thus far, we’ve broken down Muay Thai and Capoeira. It’s time we dive into the fun part of this article, which is going to examine who will win in a real fight, a Muay Thai fighter (nuk muay) or a Capoiera disciple. We’ll be assuming both fighters have an equal skill level each in their own craft.

A Muay Thai fighter is more likely to win against a Capoeira fighter because it teaches and conditions its trainees better for real fights. If you examine a regular Muay Thai gym and compare it to a Capoeira school, you’ll find that the Muay Thai fighters spar more often than the latter, which heavily influences skill.

And yet, I do want to mention an important point. I’m a firm believer in the fact that if you’re truly practicing and are fully dedicated to the martial art you’re doing, then your fighting skills are going to be incredible.

However, sparring is extremely important and you can’t overlook this if you’re interested in becoming a solid fighter. I know it can be difficult, but it’s usually the most difficult thing that brings most of the results.

Muay Thai

Differences Between Capoeira and Muay Thai

Now that you know more than most people about Capoeira and Muay Thai, it’s time we delve a bit deeper. I want you to understand how they differ and what makes them differ so much.

Because, as you might know by now, these two martial arts are incredibly distinct. While they’ll both give you similar results, they do so in completely different ways. This is why one is completely about fighting and the other not so much.

Alright. Let’s get straight into it.

#1 – Origin

The first difference is their origin. The origin of any martial art heavily influences what it’s going to look like and how it’ll play out in a real fight. For instance, because Karate is a Japanese martial art, it looks the way it looks today. If it was to originate from any other area in the world, we would not have Karate.

Capoeira was brought to Brazil by slaves who constructed this new martial art and hid it by calling it a dance. That’s why it’s mostly popular in Brazil. On the other hand, Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand, which is also its origin country. As a result, it’s mostly popular in Southeast Asia.

Thailand and Brazil Flags
Thailand’s and Brazil’s Flags

#2 – Fighting Techniques

The second difference is in the fighting techniques. Now, the fighting techniques each fighting style teaches today are heavily influenced by the origin and the history each one went through. You’ll see what I mean in a second.

First, let’s start with Muay Thai. Also known as “the art of eight limbs”, Muay Thai teaches to attack with eight contact points, which are your knees, shins, elbows, and fists. These are some of the most powerful techniques in the world of fighting. As a result, it’s one of the most effective martial arts on the globe. Furthermore, it teaches clinching and throws, which are a form of grappling that’s mostly unique to Thai Boxing. Many other martial arts teach throws, but the ones you’ll learn here are unique.

Next up, let’s review Capoiera. Capoeira mostly teaches head-height kicks which can be extremely effective. Nonetheless, it teaches some striking and grappling, but not as many. What it does include is many acrobatic moves and quick-paced attacks and defensive moves that will ensure your opponent is in shock when seeing you fight.

Learn the basics of Muay Thai by following this link (an extensive guide I wrote!)

#3 – Purpose

Lastly, let’s talk about the purpose of both of these martial arts. As a general rule, both of them do good for the world, which is why I’m advocating you to learn them, regardless of which one you end up choosing.

Their purposes, however, are quite different. Muay Thai is all about fighting competitions and fighting in general while Capoeira isn’t as much about fighting but more about the culture. It all depends on which direction you take your training. Generally, however, that will be the direction Muay Thai and Capoeira schools will end up taking.



One of the things that motivated me to start my martial arts journey when I was younger was the amount of positive feedback I encountered. Trainees of a particular martial art absolutely and utterly love it.

So this is going to be the most motivating part of this article, in that I am sure. What we’re about to do is read what real trainees have to say about the martial art they’re doing. I’ll stop talking now to give the stage to the people who have done the martial art for years and years.

Boxing Gloves Ad

Here are their stories (play the dramatic music!):

Muay Thai

One of the most effective of all martial arts for fighting outside the ring. All moves are practical, and based on likely real-life altercations for a one-on-one situation. You learn to kick and punch really hard in combinations, to take hard kicks and punches, and to develop good balance and good footwork for attack, plus to a lesser extent, defense.

I picked it up really quickly and felt so strong, like nothing or nobody could hurt me anymore. My confidence improved greatly and I learnt discipline and had some structure in my life (which I never had growing up) I’ve had 12 fights now, lived in Thailand for 3 years, have made life long friends and met some incredible people through my journey. Haven’t touched alcohol or drugs in 4 years. I also met my partner in Thailand through Muay Thai and now we have our little Muay Thai baby. I love Muay Thai ❤️

I train 1hr a day, and this is the highlight of my day:) no more wasted time. Getting fit and doing something i really like.

You know that little voice in your head that tells you “just quit”? Well, martial arts will teach you to change that voice into saying “keep going”

Learn how to train Muay Thai right from your home in nine simple steps—by following this link to an article of mine!


Capoeira is a fantastic experience. It trains your strength, your reflexes, and your mind. It’s a unique combination of game, friendly fight, and culture. You will get sore muscles that you never even knew existed. You will learn to be conscious of your body and your surroundings. You will learn a new language, and to sing in that language. You will learn to play exotic instruments. You will get to know a lot of interesting and friendly people, and make new friends.

Capoeira makes you strong, fast, agile, flexible, confident, and most importantly: aware. You’ll discover a wealth of knowledge about your body on a level you never thought possible; I know I did.

Capoeira is fun as **** and will get you in fabulous shape but it’s not made for practical self defense. It’s a fantastic movement art with a martial component, thus it’s a martial art, but it’s much more than that. Do capoeira for the music and the dance and the camaraderie and fun and fitness and acrobatics and do something else for self defense.

Capoeria will 1) get you in good shape, 2) help with total body control, 3) is super fun, great way to meet people and learn about Afro-Brazilian culture. Would it be my go to for street defense – No. That said, I took Capoeria for about 2 years in college and did have a batizado. My instructor was one of the strongest people I have ever met in my life – total 3D body control, upside down, inside out, etc. I’ve done BJJ, Thai Boxing, TKD, Krav Maga and I still do some Capoeira drills to warm up.

Final Words

If there’s one thing I can have you take from this article it would be to commence your martial arts training as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the earlier results will begin showing.

And I won’t be able to stop you from training once you begin falling in love with the martial art you chose to train. Whether it’s Kung fu, Karate, Boxing, Taekwondo, or MMA, you won’t regret starting your journey.

Stay safe out there. Keep the protective gear on you even when it gets sweaty and difficult, and I hope you can take that initial step if you haven’t already. I wish you all the luck in the world.

Here are other articles you’ll benefit from reading:

Muay Thai vs. Wing Chun – Who Will Come Out Victorious?

Silat vs. Muay Thai – Differences (Which Is Better)

Krav Maga vs. Muay Thai (Who Really Wins) – Showdown!

Judo vs. Muay Thai – The Ultimate Showdown (Who Wins?)

Muay Thai vs. Bokator – The Ultimate Showdown



I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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