7 Powerful Muay Thai Styles – Which One Are You?

Muay Thai Styles

Today, Muay Thai has evolved into many styles, which seem all alike to an outsider’s eye. However, if you take someone who understands some of the techniques that are taught in Muay Thai, he’ll see a difference between the two styles, even when they’re similar.

What we’ll do in this article is cover the seven most prominent styles of Muay Thai. But, there’s a problem. Many fighters, perhaps you, don’t know which route they want to head down to. As a result, they get confused, which leads to lower motivation and consistency.

I want to solve that issue, which is why I’ve decided to write this article. Let me present you with an important point, so I want you to pay attention. Most fighters, you included, are a mix of a few of the styles here. I’ve heard some coaches say that you want to relate to two styles max. However, what others have said, which is what I mostly agree with, is that you want to pay no attention to the styles.

However, knowing them will give you a broader understanding of the routes you can take, which is important if you take your training seriously.

Muay Thai Styles

Without further introduction, let me present you with the seven most prominent and effective Muay Thai styles.

#1 – Muay Mat (Power Puncher)

The first style we’ll review is the Muay Mat, or, in easy-to-understand words, the power puncher. What it is—is basically a fighter who prefers punches over kicks and uses them tactically and efficiently.

This style emphasizes tactical and strategic fighting, using precise timing and counter-attacks to exploit an opponent’s weaknesses. Likewise, this style is all about punches. Like them or not, punches are one of the most popular techniques in The Art of Eight Limbs, aka Thai Boxing. As a result, mastering them will eventually lead to you being a Muay Mat fighter, a highly effective style.

All in all, the Muay Mat fighting style is suitable for fighters who prefer punches over kicks. It’s also someone who can pack a hell of a punch, perhaps knocking their opponent out with a single combination.

Muay Mat

If you want to learn about Muay Thai’s most essential punches, you can follow this link!

#2 – Muay Khao (Knee Predator)

The second style we’ll review is the Muay Khao. This is definitely one of my favorites, as I don’t see fighters who utilize this style as often as I would want to. There’s plenty to learn from it, so let’s begin by seeing what it is.

Also known as the “knee fighter” style, Muay Khao practitioners are skilled in using knee strikes in close-range clinch situations. They seek to control opponents and deliver devastating knee strikes while in a clinch.

If you want to become a Muay Khao style fighter, you must learn to use the clinch effectively. I wrote an article on how to use the clinch effectively in Muay Thai, which you can learn to do by following the link!

Anyways, the Muay Khao loves knees of all kinds. He can use the spear, side, curved, and diagonal knee; of course, he loves all the other ones, as this type of fighter needs to remain versatile. It can be easy only to focus on a single set of techniques and master them. However, keeping your fighting style dynamic—is critical to being a versatile and effective fighter.

Muay Khao

#3 – Muay Sok (Elbow Master)

The next Muay Thai style we’ll go through is the Muay Sok, aka the elbow master. This fighter knows to utilize all the different elbow techniques, like the downward, uppercut, straight, spinning elbow, and all other types of elbows.

To learn more about the best Muay Thai elbows you want to start using, follow this link.

This style is characterized by its evasive footwork and quick, elusive movements. Fighters using this style rely on agility and defense to avoid attacks and set up their own counter-attacks. Their go-to attack will be the elbow, as that’s what they’re best at.

Indeed, using elbow strikes of all kinds require you to be in closer range than where you’re typically at. For instance, when you throw long-range strikes, such as the jab, cross, and roundhouse kick, your distance will be different compared to when you’re using the knee strike or elbow strike.

The Muay Sok fighter understands this and utilizes close distances to control the fight using elbow strikes.

Muay Sok

#4 – Muay Femur (The Technician)

This style emphasizes technical skill and finesse. Fighters using this style focus on precise and accurate striking techniques, making them effective long-range fighters.

Indeed, to be a solid Muay Femur fighter, you must know to use footwork to your advantage. Using defensive moves is also something you do exceptionally well. For instance, you can catch your opponent’s kicks, use the bob and weave, slip, parry, and check to open up attacks and combinations.

You’re moving with finesse, which is what you want. There’s something I understood about life that applies to mostly all physical activities you’ll do. What looks good is probably good. When I was in the military and learning to fire a rifle, I focused on looking good to the instructors, which made me hit better and seem better to someone looking from the outside.

The same applies to the Muay Femur. Because you’re moving with such finesse, your technique is flawless. You can set up attacks and create openings by using defensive moves and starting combinations on the right hand.

Muay Femur Example

Are you a Muay Femur?

#5 – Muay Dtae (Kicking Engineer)

Next up on our list is the Muay Dtae, aka the kicking engineer. This fighter is a master of kicks. He can use them both for close and long-range, which is something most fighters don’t know to do. In fact, he can use combinations that only involve kicking; that’s how much he’s capable.

Anyways, the Muay Dtae fighter is a prominent fighting style that focuses on kicks only. He, of course, knows how to throw punches, knees, and elbows. But, if you ask him which fighting techniques he prefers the most, it’ll be kicking techniques.

Watching a Muay Dtae type fighter fight is one of the most beautiful experiences you’ll have. He combines low, roundhouse, teep, diagonal, spinning, switch, body, high, and many other types of kicks. He combines so elegantly that it’s impossible to dislike this style.

Muay Dtae

Are you a Muay Dtae?

Boxing Gloves Ad

#6 – Muay Bouk (Aggressive Fighter)

The Muay Bouk, aka boxer style, aka aggressive fighter, is one of the prominent styles of Muay Thai. I find this one also beautiful to watch because there’s always action going on when a Muay Bouk fighter is inside the ring.

The “boxer style” focuses on quick and powerful punching combinations, making use of hand techniques as a primary offensive tool. He also knows how to use kicks and clinches while driving forward aggressively.

This fighter is basically an all-around fighter who focuses on aggression as his primary weapon. Indeed, aggression is one of the most important attributes of a good fighter. All professional fighters use some degree of aggression, some more and others less.

The Muay Bouk is an extremely aggressive fighter, who uses quick and powerful punching combinations to cause a lot of damage, drive himself forward, and gain the upper hand in the fight. He also knows to use kicks, elbows, knees, and clinch to a good enough level.

Muay Bouk

So, are you a Muay Bouk?


#7 – Muay Maa (Relentless Footwork)

The Muay Maa is the last type of Muay Thai fighter we’ll review. It’s more likely that you’ve never seen a Muay Maa in action, as these are rare fighters. However, once you see one in action, you’ll want to become one since it’s one of the most beautiful and action-rich fighters.

Fighters employing this style use a lot of footwork to circle around opponents, and they often strike from angles to catch their opponents off guard.

If you’re a Muay Maa, you know how to use defensive moves to open angles and catch your opponent off-guard. For example, you know to utilize the bob and weave and slip to create openings to the side, evading your opponent’s attacks, and causing more damage by throwing attacks your opponent doesn’t expect.

You’re also a footwork master. You can decide which body part you’ll move back to evade the incoming attack. If your opponent throws a low kick, you’ll move just your lower body back extremely quickly to evade the incoming low kick and attack back, either with a punching combination or with a kick.

If you’re a Muay Maa, you can balance aggression and finesse to get hit as rarely as possible while hitting your opponent as often as possible.

Muay Maa

So, I now ask you; are you a Muay Maa?


How Do I Choose My Muay Thai Style?

Like in a video game, you can choose which style you’ll primarily focus on. And like a video game, you’ll become that style. You’ll truly live it. So, let’s now see how can you choose the most suitable one that’ll make you the most effective fighter.

Choosing your Muay Thai style is mostly an unconscious decision that’s led by real fighting experience and not simply choosing which one you want to learn. Your style will choose you, and you need to train as hard as you can and as vigorously and consistently as you can for you to be 100% certain of your style.

Although it all sounds wishy-washy, it’s the truth. Your style will end up choosing you and not the other way around. You need to continuously train and do so as hard as humanly possible.

Final Words

These are the seven more prominent styles of Muay Thai. You’re likely a mix of a few of them, which opens you up to a few opportunities.

The first option you have is to focus everything on a single style and to hone it until perfection. However, what I recommend you do is avoid doing so. Instead, continue doing you. Learn from trustworthy coaches and instructors and focus on what you feel is your destiny.

Avoid entering a bubble that you’ll never step out from again. If you want to become a Muay Dtae, you’ll only focus on kicking. But, there’s so much to Muay Thai and you will not experience this world.

Here are other articles you’ll benefit from reading:

10 Ways to Increase Elbow Power in Muay Thai (Sharpen Elbows)

How to Kick Higher in Muay Thai (5 Drills + Tips)

How to Counter Effectively in Muay Thai – The 7 Best Ways

5 Muay Thai Heavy Bag Drills That’ll Boost Your Fighting Skills

The 7 Most Effective Sweeps and Throws in Muay Thai

The Ultimate Guide to Muay Thai Footwork – Including Drills!


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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