The 7 Best Foods for Fighters & Boxers


So you want to know which foods are the best for fighters. Whether you’re a boxer or you do any other martial art out there, such as MMA, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Judo, BJJ, or even Jeet Kune Do or Wrestling, this article will apply to you.

I’ve been a fighter for a few years now. However, the more important certification I have is that I went from an overweight person to a fit, muscular athlete. I can help you achieve similar results. In fact, this is the reason I started Blinklift in the first place.

To understand how this all applies to you, we must start from the beginning.

Eating the right foods will make your entire fitness journey easier. Whether it’s time for you to build up some muscle mass or lose body fat, these foods will help you achieve these results. Once you can control your own mind through fitness, you’ll be able to control every single part of your life.

And that I can tell you from my very own experience.

If you’re interested in a video format, watch the video below (I cover the same foods in there.)

The 7 Best Foods for Fighters – Video (Blinklift)

If you want me, Levi, the owner of Blinklift, to help you in a one-on-one consulting call with your diet and training routine, make sure to follow the link to book a call with me for FREE!

#7 – Tofu

The first food is one of my all-time favorites. It is the renowned superfood Tofu! The primary benefit of Tofu is that it’ll fill you up while including more than enough protein and calcium.

Many fighters don’t understand the importance of calcium in their diets. If you want to build your body to be armor, you must consume plenty of calcium, which you’ll find in foods like Tofu. You also want to get Vitamin D, which you can do by being outdoors in the sun.

Tofu Nutrition Value

Anyways, Tofu is exceptionally healthy (Superfood!) because it includes tons of protein. Protein is the building block of our bodies. Whether you want to shed body fat and maintain your muscle mass or build muscle mass, you want to focus primarily on proteins and not carbs or fats.

This is why Tofu is superior to many foods out there. A single glimpse into the nutritional value of Tofu and you’ll understand the hype.

Tofu doesn’t have to be boring and unflavored, although many people decide to eat it that way. You can make some crazy recipes with it, which I would definitely encourage you to do. Not only will you enjoy the meal itself, but your body will react perfectly to it.

Tofu Nutritional Value
Tofu Nutritional Value (Source)

#6 – Rice

Next up on our list is rice. Now, I know what’s your first thought: “How is rice #6 if it’s carbs, and carbs are the devil?” Alright. Let me explain.

I chose rice to be #6 on our list because it’ll lead you to a much better fighting journey. Rice mostly includes complex carbohydrates, as you’ll see in the nutritional value table below. Now, why is that important?

Rice Nutrition Value

Imagine waking up at 5 a.m., going for a run, returning home, working, and then having a fighting session in the evening. What do you think will happen to your body if you don’t supplement it with available energy? The quick answer is that it’ll stop working at some point.

The best way to avoid that from happening is to supplement your body with the right foods throughout your day. Rice is the perfect carbohydrate-rich food to consume throughout your day to ensure your body has enough energy to train a lot.

I’m not suggesting you focus on rice primarily if you’re a boxer or a fighter, but make sure to eat rice if you burn a lot of calories throughout your day.

Rice Nutritional Value
Rice Nutritional Value (Source)

If you want me, Levi, the owner of Blinklift, to help you in a one-on-one consulting call with your diet and training routine, make sure to follow the link to book a call with me for FREE!

#5 – Blueberries and Blackberries

Next up on our list is blueberries and blackberries. If you’re a fighter, you want to have available energy. But, if you eat rice 30 minutes before your workout, you increase the odds of feeling heavy during training, and even puking, on more extreme sessions.

Therefore, you want to supplement your body with foods that’ll bring you energy while ensuring you don’t feel heavy during the training session itself.

Blueberries Nutrition Value

Blueberries and blackberries are perfect for that because they include carbs (sugars) that are natural and healthy for you. They also include antioxidants, which are lacking in many people’s diets in today’s world.

I recommend eating blackberries and blueberries 15-30 minutes before your training session. You can even eat them while training! (Especially if you’re training for more than one hour at a time.)

Blueberries Nutritional Value
Blueberries Nutritional Value (Source)

#4 – Eggs

The next food is one you know about already, but you might not understand the benefits it can have on your martial arts journey. Regardless of the martial art you do, you want to eat eggs, and here’s why.

Before we cover the many benefits eggs have to offer, I also want to showcase the other side, the egg-haters. This is a controversial topic in the fitness community, so I encourage you to do your own research before you take my advice.

I eat 5 eggs every single day and have found no negative consequences on my body. However, many studies have demonstrated the negative effects that eggs can have on our bodies, especially because of the high cholesterol levels.

Eggs Nutrition Value

Take this study as an example: A 2021 study found that the addition of half an egg per day was associated with more deaths from heart disease, cancer, and all causes. For every 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol consumed per day, mortality risk increased by up to 24%.

On the other hand, another study showed that: Egg yolks contain large amounts of both lutein and zeaxanthin. In one older study, eating 1 egg daily for 5 weeks increased blood levels of lutein by 26% and zeaxanthin by 38% in older adults ( 30 ). Eggs are also high in vitamin A, which deserves another mention here.

The conclusion? Do your own research but just know that I eat 5 eggs per day and have found only positive effects from that thus far.

Eggs Nutritional Value
Eggs Nutritional Value (Source)

#3 – Avocado

Let’s talk about healthy fats. Many people in today’s world think that fats make you fat. This could not be more wrong. So, the point is that you want to consume healthy fats on a daily basis. Some of the foods I encourage you to eat are nuts and avocado.

Avocado Nutrition Value

Healthy fats actually slow stomach emptying and were found to promote fat loss. The one thing you need to understand is, as you’ll see in the table below, avocado has many calories per 100g. Fats include 9 calories for every gram, which is contrary to proteins and carbs, which include 4 calories per gram.

This is why people think avocados and nuts should be avoided at all costs. But, if you consume a proper amount of avocado, you’ll promote fat loss and muscle building instead of the opposite. Your body needs healthy fats, so make sure to consume them in one way or another.

Avocado Nutritional Value
Avocado Nutritional Value (Source)

If you want me, Levi, the owner of Blinklift, to help you in a one-on-one consulting call with your diet and training routine, make sure to follow the link to book a call with me for FREE!

#2 – Chicken Breast

Here’s the food that if you don’t eat on a weekly basis, you’re missing out on countless benefits. That food is chicken breast. You’re not just seeing chicken breast starring in YouTube videos and lifestyle vlogs of fitness influencers. Although I dislike the world of fitness influencers, it tells a validity to the world: Chicken breast is one of the best foods you can eat on a weekly basis.

A single glimpse into the nutritional value table below and you’ll understand what the hype is about. Just look at the protein per 100 grams of chicken breast. While it includes 165 calories, it has 31 grams of protein. This ratio of proteins and calories is almost unheard of.

Chicken Breast Nutrition Value

Eating more protein and fewer calories is what many people need to strive towards. Unless you’re struggling to build muscle, which is a low percentage of the people who are lifting weights on a daily basis, you want to strive toward eating less calories and more protein.

This will make your body literal armor over time, assuming you’re actually training.

Chicken Breast Nutritional Value
Chicken Breast Nutritional Value (Source)

#1 – Fruits

And lastly, my favorite foods to consume: fruits! Not only are they healthy and can be dopamine-releasing, they include a low number of calories while having many dietary fibers and vitamins in them. Therefore, they’re an integral part of my diet.

I know what you’re thinking: Fruits are carbs and carbs are the devil! Well, not quite.

Fruits need to be an integral part of a fighter’s diet. You’re probably burning more calories than the average person out there, which means that your body requires more calories to function. As a result, fueling your body with quick and healthy carbs (sugars) is ideal.

Apple Nutrition Value

If you want me, Levi, the owner of Blinklift, to help you in a one-on-one consulting call with your diet and training routine, make sure to follow the link to book a call with me for FREE!

But what I really like about fruits is that they can release more dopamine than the other foods on this list, like Tofu and rice. They include more sugars and are sweeter.

As a result, they can serve as your healthy snack, although overeating fruits can have the opposite effect. It’ll fill your stomach with sugars and carbs and not allow you to train at your maximum capacity. So make sure not to overeat any of the foods on this list.

Apple Nutritional Value
Apple Nutritional Value (Source)

Final Words

These are the best foods for fighters and boxers. Regardless of the fighting style you do, you must fuel your body the right way.

Your body is a machine, and one of the most functional ones. Can you expect a car to drive at its full capacity if you’re fueling it improperly? I think that’s not something we can expect from our cars.

So how do we expect the same thing from our bodies, which are much, much more complicated?

If you want me, Levi, the owner of Blinklift, to help you in a one-on-one consulting call with your diet and training routine, make sure to follow the link to book a call with me for FREE!


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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