The Mighty BJJ Coral Belt – A Comprehensive Guide

BJJ Coral Belt

BJJ’s belt ranking system exists for one primary reason: it motivates the trainees to stay more consistent and dedicated. Can you imagine remaining a white belt for 20 years and going to training every single week during that period?

In this article, I’ll examine a unique belt that’s part of the ranking system: the Coral Belt. I’ll explain what it is and give you the raw details. Can you achieve it yourself, and if so, how long will it take? Let’s dive in!

The Coral Belt in BJJ is awarded to masters of the craft who reach the 7 and 8-degree black belts. The minimum amount of time to achieve it is 28.5 years, meaning that the minimum age you’ll be able to attain it is 40.5. Nonetheless, the masters who achieve it will likely do so at a considerably later age.

What we’re talking about here is the bare minimum. The red-black and red-white belts (coral snake colors)—are extremely difficult to achieve. Not only do you have to master the art of Jiu-Jitsu yourself, but you also have to influence the lives of your trainees as well.

This article will explain everything about the Coral Belt and what makes it so unique. For instance, we’ll discuss the color history and what makes the current colors unusual. Likewise, I’ll cover how many trainees are currently in the 7th and 8th-degree black belts.

I think that’s enough introduction: let’s dive into the article.

What is the Coral Belt in BJJ?

Have you ever seen masters wearing a red-black or red-white belt and didn’t understand what this means? Well, you have stumbled upon a scarce Coral Belt. They’re rarer than you think, and so achieving such a rank—is a trait all BJJ masters aim toward.

The Coral Belt in BJJ is the 7 and 8-degree black belt. Its colors are red-black or red-white, in order. It’s awarded to Jiu-JItsu masters who have conquered the art, taught it to many trainees, and spread the word about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to the world. It’s less about individual skill at this point.

These ranks are less about individual skills, as I mentioned. Instead, they’re about influence and spreading the word further until the entire world has heard of Jiu-Jitsu.

The Gracie family did that if you’re familiar with their story. They’ve been able to tell the entire world about their fighting style by hosting the first MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) event. They sent their best fighter, Royce Gracie—to fight for their family’s name.

He eventually went on to win countless MMA fights, become more popular, and spread the word further about this practical martial art you can start learning yourself.

Royce Gracie in MMA

Royce Gracie is a Coral Belt, so you now understand the level of influence you must have to reach it.

How long until the Coral Belt in BJJ?

Let’s assume you’re someone who influences the lives of many in the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Alright, that’s all fine. However, you still must spend a minimum, specific number of years before you attain the mighty Coral Belt. So here’s how much you have to spend:

You have to spend 28.5 years, minimum, to attain the Coral Belt in BJJ. That’s assuming you’re advancing to the next belt color as soon as you’re finished with the minimum time. It’ll likely take much more than that, especially for the Coral and Red belts (7, 8, 9, and 10-degree black belts.)

Here’s a more details summary:

BJJ Belt ColorMinimum time before advancement (Years)
WhiteNot Listed
Black 3
2nd Degree3
3nd Degree3
4th Degree5
5th Degree5
6th Degree5
BJJ Belt Color and the Number of Years You Have to Spend in Each One

This may be either encouraging or discouraging for some of you. For those who feel somewhat discouraged now, I want you to read the last section.

This article has a purpose, although you don’t fully understand it right now. Therefore, I want you to skip to the last section of the article (Is it too late to start training in Jiu-Jitsu?) This article has a purpose, not to discourage you but to motivate you to continue or begin your journey.

You’ll see why in the last section.

How many people have a BJJ Coral Belt?

You might wonder how many masters have attained the Coral Belt. Although setting high ambitions and long-term goals is fantastic, it might discourage you in your Jiu-Jitsu journey. If it discourages you to hear about that number of years, I want you to start setting short-term goals to encourage and fuel your motivation when you’re feeling low.

There are currently 32 BJJ Coral Belts. Throughout history, there were just over 50. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see that number expand beyond the Brazilian territory. More Jiu-Jitsu masters and teachers are starting to realize they can achieve such a rank themselves—so they dedicate their lives to BJJ in hopes of achieving it.

Coral Belts Competing (BJJ)

Look at how the crowd goes crazy about this fight. That’s how rare these Coral Belts are. 32 in the entire world, that’s absolutely nothing!

Is it too late to start training in Jiu-Jitsu?

I’ve waited to write this section as the entire purpose of this article is here. So you now know about the Coral Belts in BJJ and what makes them extraordinary. However, you might be discouraged to understand you’ll likely never reach it, although I encourage you to set your goals and ambitions far ahead.

Is it too late for you?

It’s never too late to start training Jiu-Jitsu, as the point isn’t about reaching the highest rank but constantly learning and bettering yourself. You’ll become a better person who knows how to respect, love, and always be full of gratitude. You’ll also get fit, learn to fight, and fill your confidence tank.

This is what BJJ is about. It’s not about reaching these ranks, although it’s a sign of honor and respect from the community.

You don’t have to dedicate your life. Those who do dedicate their lives to the craft possess a special connection with this martial art that 99% of trainees don’t. And you might not have that special thing going on, and that’s fine. Consequently, you can always start training, even if you can’t see the horizon.

Dedicating your life is not a requirement to start training. Please don’t wait for the perfect moment to start BJJ. When you’ll look back at your life, you’ll understand that the perfect moment is always right now.

Step out of your comfort zone and start to better your life. Start to train; this is this article’s purpose.

Final words

Blinklift is all about bettering yourself. The entire purpose of this piece is to help you step out of your comfort zone—if you haven’t already.

You’ll see many results naturally flow your way if you start training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Your confidence will peak, your self-esteem will be at its all-time high, and your stress levels will decrease. Likewise, you’ll become fit, healthy, and ready to take on the world.

Attaining the Coral Belt is really there for masters of the craft who have dedicated more than 30 years to learning and teaching this martial art while influencing the lives of many thousands of trainees.

If you feel more encouraged, then I did my job.

Here are other articles you’d enjoy reading:

BJJ Belt Ranking System Explained – White to Black

BJJ White Belts – How to Progress Faster (Guide)

BJJ Blue Belts: Why They’re DANGEROUS

The BJJ Purple Belt Paradox – Are They Even Good?

BJJ Brown Belts – How Dangerous Are They?

You’re a BJJ Black Belt – Now What?

BJJ Grandmaster – Who Are the Mysterious Red Belts?


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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