Why Martial Arts is a Form of Art | Helpful guide

Martial arts

Martial arts are widespread worldwide. Because people understood that it’s a form of art, they began training in it. Thus they eventually became prevalent. Today, many people practice these types of styles to become martial artists. So, why are they a form of art?

Martial arts is a form of art because it’s a visual skill that requires creativity. As a result, martial artists are highly skilled individuals who use their abilities creatively. For instance, Karate masters use various kicking, striking, and self-defense techniques. 

Yet, many claims that fighting cannot be an art. In this article, I’ll explain why that’s inaccurate and why you should begin training in martial arts

Moreover, I wrote a complete guide to training martial arts at home. If you want to progress outside of your class, I encourage you to read it. It’s one of my most researched pieces. 

Why are martial arts considered art?

According to the Oxford Dictionary

Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.


From that, we interpret that art isn’t a defined activites. Instead, it’s everything that humans can create. Furthermore, it’s usually in a visual form. Now, let’s see why fighting can be an art.

Martial arts are art because they’re a visual representation- of one’s honest skills. Additionally, martial artists visually present their abilities. For instance, Karate masters are artists since they deliver their skills creatively and visually. 

However, each one of us can interpret art in a different meaning. Hence it’s a broad term that applies to most visual activites. However, there’s no reason martial arts won’t be art. Today, many people demonstrate incredible feats using these fighting styles. Thus they’re prevalent and effective.

Eventually, knowing to fight is highly desirable. Because of that, when you’re familiar with doing so, you’re qualified. It takes dedication, consistency, and sweat to understand various fighting techniques. 

Thus not only are martial arts visually appealing, but they require dedication. 

The following video demonstrates the Shaolin monks- that do Kung fu. I recommend watching it if you’re unsure whether martial arts are a form of art.

Are martial arts an art or science?

Today, there’s a variety of martial arts. While some focus on the spiritual side, some on fighting. As a result, one may get confused when choosing one to learn. Consequently, adapting your goal to the style; is crucial. For instance, if you pursue to study self-defense, picking up MMA; is wise. 

Martial arts are both an art and a science. First, they’re art because they’re visually appealing and creative. Secondly, they’re science because studies proved that martial arts assist in the physical and mental aspects, such as increased self-confidence. 

However, martial arts weren’t as widespread worldwide as they’re now. The main character that brought it to its current place is Bruce Lee. If you’re not familiar with him, you must be living under a rock. 

Lee was a movie star and a martial artist. He made martial arts and self-defense prevalent using his movies. As a result, more people began participating in them. His life creation was Jeet Kune DoIf you want to read more about it, I wrote an article discussing it

I genuinely believe- there isn’t a better activity you can do other than martial arts. You’ll learn to fight while bettering your mental health. As a result, you’ll be increasing your well-being by plenty. 

The study found that martial arts training had a medium effect size regarding reducing internalizing mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression- and a small effect size regarding increasing well-being.


Eventually, studying fighting; is wise. You’ll be more confident and capable of using self-defense. If you’re unsure which fighting style you should learn, I wrote an article on the best martial arts you should begin studying

How you can benefit from martial arts

Although most people believe martial arts hold no value, it’s inaccurate. Instead, learning to fight will provide its trainees with many practical skills. For instance, you’ll know to use physical force to your advantage. As a result, you’ll become a capable individual.

You can benefit from martial arts in the form of physical and mental health. For instance, you’ll get into shape while increasing your self-esteem. Moreover, you’ll learn to fight. Now, today, it’s highly desirable. Most people aren’t capable of using physical force at all. 

martial arts
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay

Furthermore, knowing self-defense will serve you well in today’s changing world. You’ll be capable of knocking out an enemy quickly. Therefore, you’ll be solid protecting yourself and others close to you. 

As much as I fancy discussing the positive sides of martial arts, there are downsides. The primary one is the effort you’ll be required to invest into training. People who think noticing results will come in the first phases of exercise- end up quitting. 

Thus you shouldn’t expect to notice results. Instead, focus on improving yourself and your abilities. Eventually, you’ll become a capable individual. I wrote an article on tips to progress faster in your martial arts training. If you’re interested in doing so, I encourage following the link. 

Physical benefits

By training in martial arts, you’ll notice your physical shape improving. Because such an activity uses many muscle groups, you’ll burn plenty of calories. Thus managing your body weight will become more manageable. For instance, you burn up to 900 calories in a Kickboxing session

Improving your health is desirable. Many pursue such a goal with no success. How would you react if I were to tell you- that you can learn to fight while losing body fat? I think you would jump on the opportunity. Because of that, there’s no losing in practicing a fighting style. 

Overall, the results of this study indicate that the Krav Maga workout used in the study met ACSM guidelines for improving cardiorespiratory fitness and managing body weight.



Mental benefits

Training in martial arts will better your mental health because it provides an outlet for the trainees. Moreover, you’ll accomplish and overcome many obstacles. Thus your confidence and self-esteem will immediately improve. 

Noticing such benefits may take a few months to see clearly. Because of that, staying consistent; is crucial. If you don’t, you won’t have any positive changes in your life. I recommend you pick up a martial art you’ll love. 

By practicing martial arts, you can master your mind and your emotions. That can help you develop greater emotional stability, assertiveness, self-confidence, and lessen aggressive feelings. Increased self-esteem. Just like exercise strengthens your body, challenges strengthen your mind.



Eventually, martial arts are a form of art because they’re visually appealing. Thus martial artists can get creative with the techniques they use. As a result, the movements will be visually appealing. 

Today, knowing to fight; is crucial. Hence learning a fighting style will help achieve that. Unless you arm yourself with a lethal weapon, such as a pistol, you’ll need to understand to use physical force. 

As a general rule, doing martial arts will benefit its trainees. One can experience a variety of physical and mental experiences. Thus participating in one is valuable. For example, you’ll experience a better physical shape while increasing your confidence. 

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I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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