Why BJJ is Suitable for Fighting Multiple Opponents

martial arts

If you’re a martial artist, one of the things you may have considered is how BJJ would fare against multiple opponents. After all, unarmed self-defense against more than one opponent is not a common occurrence, but it can happen. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons why BJJ is a good choice for fighting multiple opponents. Keep reading to stay safe out there!  

BJJ is suitable for fighting multiple opponents because it teaches various incredibly effective techniques for self-defense. Moreover, it betters your physical shape, which allows you to sustain long periods of fighting. As a result, you’ll become more capable of handling multiple opponents’ situations.

This article will demonstrate some of the reasons why BJJ is suitable for fighting multiple opponents. If you’re interested in reading more about this topic, I encourage you to read an article I wrote on the best martial arts for fighting multiple opponents.

BJJ Gives You a Great Deal of Composure

One of the standout features of Bjj is its ability to help you stay composed. Learners are taught that staying calm even in extremely stressful scenarios can help them process their next actions quicker and therefore stay a step ahead of their opponents. Remaining composed helps you stay clear-headed and anticipate your aggressors’ next moves.  

For example, if your opponents have managed to lock you down in a submission or choke hold! To help you break free and escape the submission, choke hold, etc., you must remain calm.  

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Panicking renders you unable to analyze the scenario effectively. You will have difficulty devising quick strategies to rescue yourself from being subdued by your attackers. However, if you can stay composed, you can reverse whatever position they have put you in and perform one of your own. For example, you can leverage arm locks to thwart your aggressors’ attacks and finish them off fast.   

Armlocks are particularly highly effective as it focuses on over-rotating or over-extending the arms of your attackers. They are very painful and can injure your attackers quickly. Last but not least, you can decide to use a chokehold after remaining spotting an opening. Choke holds can end a fight in a matter of seconds as they restrict airflow to your attacker’s brain, making them submit. This can also scare off the remaining aggressors in the process!   

It Gives You Different Options When You Cannot Escape the Multiple Opponents!  

One standout feature of Bjj is its heavy reliance on contact. This is why the grappling techniques taught in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu sessions are what makes it incredibly effective. It emphasizes taking your attacker to the ground during your duel.  

However, Bjj also equips you with the ability to escape! During self-defense, in a scene with multiple aggressors, you can effectively “hold your own” against one opponent, subdue them, and then get away before the others can attack you. The athleticism from Bjj training will help you to regain your composure and react swiftly. It will not matter if one of the attackers can manage to grab you or even put you in a headlock! The training sessions of Bjj equip you with all the tricks to break free and run to safety. 

On the other hand, if you cannot escape from the group of aggressors, Bjj’s techniques can also help you survive the onslaught. For example, you can avoid your opponents’ takedowns by sprawling on the ground. In addition, you can also trip them. If you identify that your opponents are not trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from their movements or the way they fight, you can perform various submissions. A Kimura, guillotine, or a rear-naked choke are some of the most effective to try!   

BJJ Teaches You How to Avoid Getting Hit

One of the most important things to help you survive an attack by multiple assailants is to try as much as possible to avoid getting punched or kicked by any of your attackers. One punch can quickly turn into two, and another can follow one kick. Before you know it, a whole barrage of strikes can put you out very quickly.  

In particular, BJJ teaches you how to defend yourself against punches effectively. Learning this art is extremely crucial because most fights usually begin and require you to be standing up. If you leave room to be struck, your attackers can knock you out cold! Therefore, Bjj stresses keeping your attackers at a range they cannot harm you, allowing you to have considerable control of the fight.  

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In addition, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu sessions also teach you how to properly use body posture and arm blocks to neutralize your assailants’ throws. Closing out the distance is highly recommended, and you can finally counter with a sweep or a throw after blocking their throws and punches.  

BJJ’s self-defense principles emphasize closing the distance between you and your assailants as much as possible, e.g., through grappling. For example, by attaching yourself to one attacker and putting them in a submission hold, the other aggressors will not find it easy to hit you. They may not get the space to strike you because you can use the aggressor in your lock as a shield. In addition, your opponents will feel less encouraged to try and hit you because they know they may end up hurting one of their own unintentionally!  

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu improves your physical condition

BJJ training sessions normally feature many drills and sparring sessions that make you extremely tough and strong. In addition, these training sessions target your entire muscles and your limbs, contributing to greater flexibility and mobility. It leaves you more capable of performing different sets of routines and movements that confuse your attackers and cannot overpower you.  

Mastering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers you greater agility to leverage joint locks, shift to different chokes and finish off your opponents with strikes. Since you are fit, you can easily transition from one type of footwork, e.g., the sprawl, to various sweeps and chokeholds. For all these movements and techniques to yield the intended results, you need to be fit- which is exactly what Bjj’s training sessions make you.

Final words

Fighting multiple opponents is a situation most people would not wish to find themselves in. However, Bjj can prove to be a valuable weapon if you are face to face with multiple attackers. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills such as sprawling, arm locks, and choke hold combined with grappling can boost your chances of defending yourself better!  


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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