Pros and Cons of Pepper Spray | Should you buy it

Pros and Cons of Pepper Spray

Today, many people have decided it’s time to arm themselves. As a result, the number of self-defense weapons sold is at an all-time high. Yet, there are so many options you may get a tad confused. That said, pepper spray is a leading weapon in this industry. Therefore, many people begin carrying such a tool. 

In many cases, pepper spray was the cause of a decrease in injuries amongst police officers. Hence interpreting that it’s an effective weapon is undemanding. Additionally, pepper spray can be a suitable nonlethal self-defense weapon for most people, which will ensure their safety and protection.

Yet, before you buy the pepper spray of your choice, understanding its disadvantages is crucial. It’ll assist you in being sure that you’re making the proper choice. 

Nevertheless, the statistics all point to the fact that such a weapon is effective. Hence arming yourself using one will turn out to be a wise choice. Ask yourself the following question. Would you risk your safety? Or would you arm yourself to ensure you stay secure at all times?

Before scrolling, if you want to learn more about pepper sprays and which are the best ones, I would highly encourage you to check out my post.

Pepper sprays have plenty of benefits they provide to the user. In the following section, we’ll discuss their pros and how you can use them to ensure you stay safe. 

Capable of disabling an attacker

Many people who’ve tried to use pepper spray on other individuals have reported their results. Some of them walked at nighttime and got attacked by a hostile. 

Pepper spray was proven to be capable of disabling an attacker. One reported that the aggressor was unable to function properly for 45 minutes. As a result, by the time said aggressor was able to see, authorities had caught up with the attacker. Thus no one got injured. 

From many instances in the past, understanding that such a tool is effective is unchallenging. Consequently, if you’re looking for a self-defense weapon that can protect yourself, one might be suitable for your needs. 

Once you use pepper spray against a hostile, one’s capability of using physical force will be non-existent. Thus if you decide on using it, ensure it’ll assist you in dodging injuries from an aggressor. For any reason other than self-defense, using the container is illegal. 

In the video I added below, you’ll be able to see the experience of an individual who had pepper spray on his eyes. Throughout the video, you’ll see the symptoms such weapons have and how they affect the officer’s capability of using physical force.

Additionally, the graph I listed points to a precise result. The moment police officers had pepper sprays, the number of injuries they experienced decreased. Because of that, we can understand that such a weapon does its job.

Officer injuries (Source)

Law-enforcement personnel, such as officers, have a variety of weapons on them. While some are lethal, like a pistol, the others are nonlethal. Therefore, police officers can use either one for a given instance.

Because of that, you’ll see plenty of law-enforcement personnel using pepper spray before they pull out their pistol. That’s to ensure no one will go in public shooting innocent people.

As a general rule, in 1 out of 15 cases, the pepper spray caused permanent health damage. Therefore, highly consider your moves if you’re unwilling to face the consequences of using such a weapon. Yet, if it’s for self-defense purposes, you’re in the clear for using it.

Proven to be effective

Assuming there wasn’t enough evidence online of the effectiveness of pepper spray, many studies showed that it’s highly effective. Therefore, most law-enforcement personnel carry a nonlethal on them, such as a Taser or Pepper spray. 

The North Carolina study found that the number of injuries to police officers and suspects declined after they started using pepper spray. Additionally, out of 63 cases, pepper spray was the cause of death of arrestees. In such instances, it was due to a drug addiction said arrestee had. 

These two results grant us plenty of information. Not only is pepper spray proven to be effective from these, but it’s also confirmed to be nonlethal. As a result, you can be worry-free when it comes to causing permanent damage with it. 

Additionally, many people don’t believe in self-defense. However, when you carry a weapon, you have responsibility. That’s to not only protect yourself but also defend others around you. As a result, if you notice an individual who requires immediate assistance, don’t hesitate to use your means. 

Police officers excessive force graph

From the graph, we can interpret a single point. Once pepper spray had entered the self-defense field, police officers had an easier time completing their jobs.

Having a nonlethal weapon is a fantastic alternative to using physical force. Consequently, many people haven’t filed a complaint against police officers for doing so. That’s the decrease we see in the graph.

Mostly legal

Because pepper spray is a nonlethal self-defense weapon, most regulated countries and states allow you to carry it. However, in certain places, possessing such a weapon is illegal. Therefore, making the purchase, read your local legislation.

As a general rule, pepper sprays are legal in most regulated countries and states. As to that, in various places, such as Australia, possessing such a weapon is illegal. Because of that, before purchasing a pepper spray to carry, ensure checking your local legislation regarding said topic. 

I’ll include a shortlist from my other article, best pepper sprays for your money, on several states and their legislation. 

StatePepper Spray LegislationCaliforniaCustomers will no be required to go through any training to buy pepper spray.
They’ll be available to purchase in various gun-shops. Container must not contain more than 71grams. Minors under the age of 16 will no be able to possess such weapon.
MassachusettsResidents may be pepper spray without any firearm certificate.
FloridaAny container under 57grams is legal to carry, concealed or openly in public without a permit.
TexasPepper spray is legal to carry and possess.
WashingtonResidents above the age of 18 may carry pepper spray as a self-defense weapon. However, persons above the age of 14 may carry such devices with legal guardian’s consent.

Cheaper than any other self-defense weapon

I’m aware that this one isn’t a factor for most people. Yet, I feel the need to bring that up. If you’ve looked at the prices of high-quality pocket knives, you may have noticed that they’re expensive. Some of them range from $60, all the way up to $200. Therefore, they’re a long-term investment.

Pepper sprays are one of the cheapest self-defense weapons you can buy. The average ones range from $5 to $15. Consequently, purchasing one will reflect no problem for everyone. They suit any price range, no matter if you’re unwilling to invest plenty of money in them. 

Easy to use

While many other self-defense tools are challenging to use and ensure you defend yourself, using pepper spray doesn’t get easier. Because of that, you may want to experiment for a short time before using it. 

Generally, one doesn’t require training to use pepper spray. That said, in various states and countries, training with it is a must. Additionally, such a tool is intuitive. Hence to disable an attacker, one doesn’t have to have experience using it. 

In pepper sprays, a safety mechanism is existent. That’s to assure no accidents occur. Because of that, if you’re familiar with it, opening it will be the sole experience you must have. Other than that, aiming and using the weapon doesn’t reflect any problem. 

Lastly, aiming the weapon is unchallenging. When using it, ensure the spray hits the person in his eyes. In doing so, you’re guaranteeing an effect taking place with the aggressor. Remember, after contact with the pepper, the attacker won’t function properly for around 25 minutes. 

Carryable in various ways

When we’re under attack, quickly responding is crucial. In doing so, we’ll be able to protect ourselves and others close to us. Thus, carrying the weapon so it’ll be easily accessible is key to self-defense. Because of that, many companies are forming new ways to take your tool.

Pepper spray is carryable in various creative ways. On the one hand, having it in your keychain will ensure you have a fast response time. Additionally, you can have it in a holder with a strap to your belt. On the other hand, throwing it in your bag is unwise and lengthens your response time. 

Because of that, when I recommend a spray product, I want to see the company designing it. So it’s easily carryable. Keychain slots, for instance, are a fantastic creative way that you can carry your weapon

Now, while they have plenty of pros, let’s discuss some of the cons using such a weapon may attract.

Pepper sprays may get you into legal trouble.

Although most regulated countries legalized the possession of pepper sprays, it may get you into legal trouble. So, you may wonder how you can stay out of any lawful-related problems. To do so, I highly encourage you to read my article on everything about self-defense

As a general rule, self-defense may cause legal trouble to the user. However, with proper pepper spray use and the local legislation, avoiding such problems is undemanding.

Can grant a false sense of security.

Such feelings are not uncommon. Having a self-defense weapon doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to disable any attacker. Some hostiles will be highly skilled. Therefore, disabling them will be more challenging than you think it is. 

Because of that, ensuring you’re familiar with the ways you operate such a tool is vital for protecting yourself and others. Hence once you get your hands on a product, experiment with it. That way, when the time to use it arrives suddenly, you’ll know what you’re doing.


When it comes to weapons, there are many options you can choose. Therefore, it may get confusing, and getting lost is typical. For that reason, before you decide on a weapon to buy, you must understand the complete pros and cons of such a tool. 

Pepper sprays are one of the best self-defense weapons available on the market. Not only are they capable of disabling an attacker, but they’re also cheap and lightweight.

Hence arming yourself with such a tool is wise. However, because the demand is high, the competition for this weapon is massive. Consequently, there are plenty of companies designing low-quality products for higher prices. Because of that, I highly encourage you to check out the best pepper spray for your money. (Links lead to

Lastly, ask yourself the following question. Are you willing to risk your security? If the answer is no, highly consider buying a self-defense weapon, such as pepper spray.


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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