Kung Fu VS MMA | Which one should you learn?

kung fu

Today, learning a martial art will provide you with many valuable benefits. However, most people aren’t familiar with such results- they can achieve. Let’s examine whether Kung Fu or MMA is better- and why. 

Before answering that, you must understand that both provide different pursuits. They’re incredible martial arts, and they’ll make you a solid fighter. However, one may be more suitable for your needs. 

Kung fu and MMA are incredible- suitable martial arts for learning to fight. You should learn MMA if you’re interested in fighting and self-defense. On the other hand, Kung fu may suit you if you desire to practice a traditional martial art.

You may still be confused as to which one you should learn. For that reason, I encourage you to read this post in its entirety. If you do, you’ll understand the differences in their pursuits. Hence you’ll have a more manageable time choosing one. 

Kung Fu VS MMA

Today, most individuals aren’t familiar with fighting and defending themselves. Because of that, learning to do so- is exceptionally crucial. The simplest way of going about it- is to practice any martial art. However, there’s a variety of them- so you may get confused quickly. 

Kung fu is a traditional martial art- that focuses on the spiritual and the fighting realms. As a result, you’ll better your mental state while learning to use fighting techniques. MMA is a modern style of self-defense and learning to combat. 

In my eyes, MMA is the best fighting style in today’s world- to learn combat. Therefore, if that’s your desire- learning it- is wise. If you want to read more about it, follow the link to an article- I wrote.

There’s a group of individuals that live a somewhat bizarre lifestyle. They’ve existed for a lengthy period, and you most likely know them. These are the Shaolin monks

A primary part of their lifestyle is practicing Kung fu. As a result, they’re solid, capable fighters. However, they’re using it for more than the combat aspect. They perform various meditation drills- that allow them to experience many mental benefits. 

For instance, they’ll experience increased confidence and self-esteem. Yet, one can argue that an elite UFC fighter will overcome the monk in a one-on-one fight. That leads us to my next point.

MMA is more suitable for fighting than Kung fu. 

Consequently, if you desire to become the most capable fighter- out of yourself- doing it is wise. Most schools won’t involve any meditation or other mental drills- because it’s not their pursuits. It’s not why they got up in the morning- and decided to teach mixed martial arts. 

Instead, you’ll learn a variety of movements- meant for fighting. For instance, you’ll practice striking, kicking, grappling, and even submissions. Thus you’ll become capable of using them in genuinely dangerous situations- such as street fights. 

To summarize, Kung fu and mixed martial arts are incredible styles. Because of that, learning any of them- will be beneficial to your personal life. Yet, one may be more suitable for you. I’ll include a demonstration of the Shaolin monks- and their capabilities. 

Can Kung fu beat MMA?

Answering that question is somewhat tricky. You can’t compare two fighters that do different martial arts- if their skill levels are not equal. Now, how do you measure that? I have no clue. Because of that, we’ll assume that both fighters have similar levels of knowledge in their style. Now, let’s continue. 

MMA is superior to Kung fu in combat because of its dynamic nature. The MMA fighter will be more capable of winning because he knows to use various techniques in particular situations. For instance, he’s familiar with grappling, kicking, striking- while adapting to the fight. 

Thus his chance of winning is higher. I can’t compare a Shaolin monk to a UFC fighter because everyone’s skill levels are different. However, I believe that most UFC fighters will beat most monks because of their training. 

Let’s clear things up, MMA is for combat. Thus people who learn it- will become more capable than the average martial artist

Still, I have done Kung fu for a long time now. Because of that, I believe there’s more to martial arts than combat. If you want to experience the effects of learning a solid fighting style- I can’t suggest another one- other than Kung fu. 

To summarize, Kung fu and MMA are solid martial arts. Yet, an MMA fighter will be more capable in natural fighting situations. Because of that, if that’s your desire- I recommend learning it. While a Kung fu trainee won’t be capable of beating UFC fighters, it’s a solid fighting style- you should consider. 

Do any MMA fighters use Kung fu?

Today, the primary platform for MMA is UFC. Martial arts became prevalent because of that. Consequently, if you’re interested in fighting- I recommend watching it. So, are there any fighters who use Kung fu on this elite platform?

Some elite MMA fighters use Kung fu as their primary martial art. For instance, Weili Zhang uses it as her style. Such traditional techniques are helpful because most combatants don’t know their appropriate defense. As a result, some Kung fu trainees dominate the UFC.

Throughout this post, I mentioned a couple of times that MMA is superior to Kung fu in the fighting sense. So, how come such fighters dominate their competition in the UFC? 

If you’re not familiar with the traditional moves, you’ll have a more challenging time defending against them. As a result, the element of surprise plays a primary role in such instances. Thus Kung fu practitioners dominate their competition. 

The following video shows various Kung fu moves and later a UFC fighter that uses it. You’ll notice that they inflict massive damage in a short period. As a result, they knock their opponents smoothly and quickly.

Should I learn Kung fu?

To answer this, I must know you personally. However, I can’t. (unless you want to message me- which I’d love) I did Kung fu for a long time- and I know the pros and cons. Because of that, I’m confident that everyone can benefit from doing and practicing it weekly. 

Kung fu is a suitable martial art for many pursuits, such as self-defense and a traditional fighting style. By doing it, you’ll experience various mental and physical benefits. For instance, one may feel a boost in confidence and self-esteem- from training. 

From my experience, it’s a life-changer. Frankly, practicing any martial art- is wise and beneficial, particularly in today’s world. Therefore, you should consider choosing one to learn. 

I recommend doing Kung fu- since I’m familiar with it. As a result, I know it works. For instance, if I were to recommend a martial art I had never done- such as Kickboxing- I would research more. However, that’s not the case. Instead, I know what to expect from training- even as a beginner.

I can testify that I’ve experienced my stress and overall violence levels decreasing after two sessions. Consequently, I assure you that you’ll feel the same. Additionally, my mental health improved the better I got at it. Thus I know that more benefits come with experience. 

The following video is the weekly routine I followed in my training. If you want to see results, I recommend following it every week. 

On the other hand, if you want to become a solid fighter- you’ll have to attend classes. As a result, you won’t have as many positive benefits in that manner- when training at home

I wrote a complete guide on training martial arts at home. If you’re planning on doing so, I recommend reading it- since it’ll assist you tremendously. 

Should I learn MMA?

Undoubtedly, mixed martial arts is one of the best fighting styles one can learn. Because of its dynamic nature, you’ll become capable of incredible feats. Thus learning it- is wise. By doing Boxing, you’ll learn to strike exclusively, which isn’t as dynamic. 

MMA or mixed martial arts is a fighting style that I recommend everyone to learn. In today’s changing world, knowing to be adaptive; is crucial for self-defense. Thus practicing a fighting style that involves plenty of movements and techniques- is more efficient. 

There’s no but. From my experience, most people see success in learning MMA. You can adapt your knowledge and desires to training. There aren’t any fixed techniques- everyone should study. Instead, you can do and practice whichever movements you wish. 

Thus choosing an appropriate school for yourself- is crucial. If you won’t, you won’t see as much success as you think. Because of that, I encourage you to look for a solid school- with plenty of positive reviews and try it out. If you don’t enjoy it, move to another. 

Yet, there are no reasons for you not to enjoy any martial arts school- if it has positive reviews. Until you become proficient in the fighting style- you won’t see any results. Hence staying consistent- goes hand-in-hand with learning the martial art. 

Lastly, you may enjoy the traditional aspect of fighting. If you feel like that, you may want to consider Kung fu as your primary choice. You’ll learn to fight- while experiencing spiritual occurrences.

To summarize, MMA or mixed martial arts- is a suitable choice for most people. It offers a variety of techniques and styles- that one can learn. Consequently, you can’t go wrong with it. 

Is Kung fu effective in a street fight?

Today, there’s a variety of martial arts. Thus one may get confused when choosing one to learn. All are similar- yet serve different purposes. You may wonder- should I learn Kung fu? Is it practical for self-defense and street fights? 

Kung fu is effective in street fights because it’s a martial art- that teaches practical fighting techniques. As a result, one can use these movements in dangerous situations- as we discussed. For instance, you’ll practice various grappling, kicking, and striking movements. 

One of the primary reasons I recommend you to learn Kung fu- is that you can begin doing it at home. I’ll include a video on a weekly routine you can start incorporating into your life. You’ll learn to fight- while gaining other mental benefits- such as reduced stress. 

Overall, Kung fu is suitable for fighting purposes. Although I believe that MMA is better for such pursuits, it’s appropriate for the same ones. Yet, it provides the trainees with other aspects- such as the traditional martial art experience. Consider doing it- it’ll change your life. 


I enjoy martial arts as a lifestyle and as a hobby. Most people aren’t aware of the benefits one can experience from doing one. As a result, they’re unwilling to invest time and effort in them. For instance, one can experience various mental and physical benefits- such as increased confidence. 

Today, knowing to use your body to defend yourself- is an edge. You won’t have to worry as much about a hostile attacking you. Thus you won’t feel as threatened. 

MMA and Kung fu are incredible martial arts- that everyone can enjoy. You’ll highly benefit from studying them- and therefore you should consider starting. If you’re unsure of which one to pick, it’s simple. 

If you want to study fighting at its elite level, MMA should be your primary choice. However, if you desire to experience the traditional part of martial arts, you should research nearby Kung fu schools- or begin practicing at home


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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