Is Krav Maga Good For Self-Defense? Should you learn it?

Krav Maga

Today, there are many effective martial arts one can learn. Yet, some won’t provide value in self-defense scenarios. Therefore, if your purpose of training is to know how to defend yourself, you should learn one focused on self-defense. 

Overall, Krav Maga is fantastic for self-defense purposes. Because its training resembles real threatening situations, you’ll be capable of responding. For instance, in various classes, you’ll close your eyes, someone will attack you, and you must react appropriately. 

Because of that, Krav Maga is the most effective martial art for self-defense. As a result, many people who want to defend themselves or others will learn it. Consequently, the rate of people picking up Krav Maga is rising.

According to a study, training in martial arts has shown to alter experiences of control and vulnerability, self-esteem, self-concept, fitness, confidence, and relaxation. As a result, some researchers characterize martial arts practice as a form of self-help.

Before continuing, I wrote an article on the five reasons you should learn Krav Maga. I highly encourage you to read it. 

What is the most useful self-defense martial art?

Today, many people want to be capable of defending themselves. As such, they may arm themselves with a self-defense weapon. However, some prefer not to carry a firearm or a knife wherever they go. As a result, these individuals turn into martial arts. 

The best martial art for self-defense is Krav Maga. The training highly resembles real life-threatening situations. As a result, Krav Maga trainees will respond quickly to said scenarios. Consequently, they’ll be able to disable a hostile effectively and smoothly. 

The whole point of self-defense is not to attack. But it’s to defend. As a result, disabling the attacker shouldn’t be your goal. Instead, if you avoid injuries altogether and protect others while doing that, you did your part.

While there’s a variety of martial arts one can learn, only a few are valuable. As a result, if you’re experiencing trouble deciding which one you should train in, read this article about what martial arts really work?

For example, if you start doing Judo, you may expect to see different results than the reality. Now, I’m not suggesting that Judo isn’t valuable. It truly is. However, don’t expect to become a self-defense master by training it. 

Because of that, you must understand the pros and cons of martial arts before starting to train. As such, I recommend you read this post about the pros and cons of martial arts

Eventually, doing Krav Maga will become a valuable asset to you in the future. Not only will it build you a powerful character, but it’ll also grant you the ability to defend yourself properly. 

Why is Krav Maga good for self-defense?

The reasons why learning a martial art assists with self-defense are endless. Better awareness, for instance, is one of the leading benefits you’ll experience from training a fighting style. Because of that, if you haven’t already, start training. 

The main reason Krav Maga is suitable for self-defense is that the training highly resembles threatening self-defense situations. In addition, doing Krav Maga increases awareness, improves self-confidence, and builds pain tolerance, which betters your ability for self-defense.

Overall, as you train more, you’ll become more aggressive. Because of that, you’ll be able to disable an attacker with ease. Training in martial arts, in general, will improve that aspect. Therefore, if you want to achieve that, I highly encourage you to work. 

Furthermore, as you’ll improve, you’ll trust yourself more. That’ll lead to an immediate increase in self-confidence, which improves your entire skillset. That way, you’ll know that you can react to any given situation, and you’ll solve it. Because of that, people will respect you more. 

Eventually, training in Krav Maga improves your character. As a result, you’ll experience many benefits throughout the process. In the beginning, for instance, you’ll notice you have more drive to accomplish other goals. Going down the road, you’ll experience the advanced benefits. 

Is Krav Maga effective in a street fight?

Overall, most martial arts and the benefits you gain from them will provide value in a street fight. As a result, many people train a fighting style for such purposes. 

As a general rule, Krav Maga is effective in a street fight. In such situations, being confident in your skills is crucial. One of the benefits of doing Krav Maga is an immediate increase in self-confidence. Furthermore, the sessions resemble threatening scenarios, which will assist you.

I’ve witnessed and been a part of said situations. In addition, I did Krav Maga for 14 months in special forces training. Consequently, I assure you that the mere factor that allowed me to come out injury-free in all of these dangerous scenarios is Krav Maga. 

I’ve practiced it so many times that my mind got used to activating my muscles when someone attacked me. Hence in these self-defense scenarios, I didn’t have to think. I acted. Because of that, you’ll be able to disable a hostile at a much faster rate than the average person. 

Should you learn Krav Maga?

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An individual who does martial arts will experience plenty of benefits. Yet, many people stay away from such pieces of training because they’re too hesitant to start. As a result, they’ll never experience said benefits. However, if you’re reading this, I highly encourage you to pick one.

Because learning Krav Maga returns many benefits, you should start doing it. As a result, you’ll be able to develop yourself as a strong person, for instance, an immediate increase in self-confidence, better awareness, and getting into shape. Therefore, learning Krav Maga is valuable. 

  • Better pain-tolerance
  • Better awareness
  • Improved physical condition
  • Increase in self-esteem and confidence
  • Better value as a person
  •  Knowing how to defend yourself
  • Being independent

As a general rule, learning a martial art will be of great value in the future. Not only will you get into better shape, but you’ll also increase your self-confidence and experience various benefits. 

At times, you may get hesitant beginning to train. Because of that, I wrote an article on five reasons to start doing Krav Maga. I highly encourage you to check it out to change your mindset on this subject.

Overall, there isn’t a single part of my body that’ll tell you not to start doing Krav Maga. I’ve had positive experiences in this matter, and I assure you will too. Because of that, if you’re reading this, start doing Krav Maga from tomorrow. 


Doing Krav Maga is highly effective. It’ll return many benefits that hold great value. Therefore, improving them will assist you in future endeavors.

Some of the benefits you may experience are the following.

  • Better pain-tolerance
  • Better awareness
  • Improved physical condition
  • Increase in self-esteem and confidence
  • Better value as a person
  •  Knowing how to defend yourself
  • Being independent

Consequently, you can’t go wrong with doing Krav Maga and martial arts in general. Because of that, I recommend you start doing your research and start your training. That way, you’ll experience said benefits sooner than you would have. 

Lastly, Krav Maga is highly effective for self-defense and street fights. As a result, if you’re interested in knowing self-defense to a better level, do Krav Maga. Additionally, because you’ll be able to defend yourself, you’ll trust yourself more, thus having a higher level of independence and self-esteem. 


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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