5 Best Martial Arts for Fitness | Burn More Calories

Today, burning more calories and getting into shape are highly desirable goals. Not many people know that learning martial arts for fitness purposes—is highly effective. For instance, you can burn up to 900 calories in an hour of Kickboxing. As a result, you’ll become capable of managing your body weight with ease. 

The best martial arts for fitness are Krav Maga, Kickboxing, Boxing, Kung fu, and MMA. Because they use many muscle groups, they burn more calories than the average workout. For instance, Krav Maga meets the ACSM guidelines for training that manages body weight. 

Knowing which fighting styles are best for fitness is beneficial if you’re trying to get into shape. You’ll shed weight or build muscle quickly. However, you’ll still be required to invest plenty of effort, and therefore be required to stay consistent and become a more disciplined person. 

Here are the best martial arts for fitness by order. (#1 = Best)

  1. Kickboxing
  2. MMA
  3. Boxing
  4. Kung fu
  5. Krav Maga

Contrary to a common belief, you can actually train in martial arts at home and notice many results. If you want to train at home, you may need to overcome some issues. Because of that, I wrote a complete martial arts at-home training guide. It’s one of my most researched pieces. Therefore, I recommend giving it a look. 

Martial ArtCalories per hourBenefits
Krav Maga616You’ll learn to fight quickly
Teaches various self-defense techniques
Reduces stress and violence levels
Improves pain tolerance
Makes solid fighters
Kickboxing900Betters physical condition
Applicable for self-defense
The martial arts and their characteristics

5. Krav Maga

One of the most popular martial arts worldwide is Krav Maga. Because of that, many people participate in it. The primary upside of it is the quickness with which you can learn it. The Israeli military teaches its operators KM because they don’t have spare time in their training for martial arts

Krav Maga utilizes various fighting techniques that you can learn fast. Because of that, the Israeli military teaches its operators this martial art. For instance, KM trainees will learn movements varying from striking to grappling to firearms. 

Krav Maga Demo

I’ve been through a 14-month Krav Maga course. One of the first benefits I witnessed from it was getting into shape. I was managing my body weight thanks to the intense training it offered. 

The participants in this study burned an average of 616 calories during the one hour Krav Maga session, placing it well above that recommended range.


For an hour-long session, 616 calories are plenty. It can be the difference between losing and not losing weight. As a result, staying consistent with Krav Maga training is beneficial to your progression. 

One of the earlier benefits of Krav Maga training is getting into shape. In fact, you’ll feel sore post the first workout. That’s a sign you’re investing plenty of effort in training. 

Should you learn Krav Maga?

Knowing which fighting style is suitable for you is crucial. For instance, if you want to train in a fighting martial art, don’t do Tai Chi. 

If your goal is to learn fighting techniques quickly while getting into shape and managing your body weight—Krav Maga is for you. Although that sounds too good to be true, I experienced it for myself. Consequently, I’m confident in its ability to improve your fitness life. 

I wrote an article on the pros and cons of Krav Maga. If you’re interested in learning more about it, I encourage following the link. 


4. Kung fu

Today, many people think Kung fu isn’t valuable for self-defense. Instead, they believe it’s a traditional martial art that’s irrelevant. However, the opposite is true. Kung fu can provide plenty of value to anyone who commits to it. 

If you’re familiar with the Shaolin monks, you’ll know why it’s valuable. If you’re not, they’re this group of individuals who dedicate their lives to spirituality. Moreover, they practice Kung fu. Because of that, they’re capable fighters. 

Kung fu is a martial art suitable for fitness because of the physical development it’ll cause. Kung fu training is intense and will make you flexible. As a result, the rate of injuries decreases amongst its trainees. Yet, you’ll burn more calories in other fighting styles, such as Kickboxing.

Yet, Kung fu is practical and valuable. By doing it, you’ll become a solid fighter capable of self-defense. Thus if you’re interested in doing so, consider looking into it.

Various Kung fu moderate exercises can burn up to 737 calories per hour. If you understand the meaning of that, you know it’s valuable. You’ll become capable of managing your body weight and getting into shape quickly. 

The following video is basic Kung fu training. If you’re interested in learning it at home, I recommend watching it. Furthermore, notice how flexible the Shaolin monks are. Throughout the training, you’ll become so too.   

Basic Shaolin Kung Fu Demo

Should you learn Kung fu?

Although most people believe Kung fu isn’t as relevant, it really is. Because of that, I encourage everyone to consider learning it. 

Learning Kung fu will serve many purposes, including fitness. Because it uses many muscle groups, you’ll burn more calories. Thus you’ll get into shape faster and lose more body fat. However, you’re required to stay consistent with training. 

If you want to learn more about the Shaolin monks, I wrote an article on them. I recommend following the link if you want to know more about Kung fu and its correlation with the monks.

3. Boxing

Boxing is one of the deadliest martial arts worldwide. Because of that, its popularity increased in the last couple of years. In fact, it’s the most prevalent martial art today. 

As such, many people participate in this incredible fighting style. 

Because Boxing is simple, you’ll learn its fundamentals quickly. Consequently, you’ll become a solid fighter in a shorter period than you would in most martial arts. In addition, it’s suitable for fitness because it’s an intense workout. Thus learning it for such purposes is suitable. 

In Boxing, you’ll learn to punch appropriately. As a result, you’ll become capable of knocking out an enemy with a few hits. Additionally, you’ll become a solid fighter capable of getting hit without moving an inch. 

Because in training you’ll get hit plenty of times—you’ll get used to it. As a result, you won’t be afraid of a real fight. Thus your chances of quickly disabling the attacker increase. 

You burn up to 800 calories in an hour session of Boxing. Additionally, it provides its trainees with many other physical or mental benefits. For instance, you’ll have a better balance and increased self-confidence.

Key benefits of fitness boxing (Source)

  • Improves balance
  • Helps posture
  • Strengthens upper body and core.
  • Boosts endurance
  • May increase alertness.
  • Enhances mood
  • Improves hand-eye coordination

As you can see, the list goes on. By participating in Boxing, you’ll become a solid fighter. Additionally, you’ll experience some, if not all of the above. Thus it’s highly beneficial and valuable in today’s world. 

The following video demonstrates the skills you’ll learn in Boxing. If you’re interested in it, I recommend following the link to read the two best fighting styles that combine with Boxing.

Boxing Fight

Should you learn Boxing?

Learning Boxing is wise for many purposes. First, you’ll learn to fight appropriately. Thus your chances of overcoming self-defense situations rise. 

Secondly, you’ll learn to get hit and not move an inch. Thus your pain threshold will increase. For that reason, you won’t be scared of closing the distance in a real scenario. Such a trait is valuable because you’ll be capable of disabling the attacker quickly. 

You should learn Boxing if you’re looking for a simple martial art. You’ll become a solid fighter quickly while getting into shape. Boxing is one of the best martial arts for fitness because of its intensity. As a result, I ranked it #3.

2. MMA

Some martial arts are more dynamic than others. As such, they serve different purposes. For instance, such fighting styles will be better for people who want to become solid fighters. By combining many martial arts, you’ll become more adaptive.  

On average, you burn up to 814 calories in an hour of MMA. As a result, managing your body weight and getting into shape is more manageable. Because of that, mixed martial arts is suitable for self-defense and fitness pursuits. Thus it’s valuable. 

Today, many people watch MMA rather than participate in it. As much as I’m a big fan of UFC, I love the fighting aspect of MMA. As a result, I encourage you to practice rather than watch it. 

“A significant benefit of martial arts is its increase in cardiovascular health. It’s a fantastic cardio workout and effective in preventing various chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and depression. MMA is one of the best workouts when it comes to fat or weight loss.”


I specifically quoted this entire section for a reason. Although it’s a long one, I recommend reading it to its fullest. Doing so will allow you to understand the power it holds. As a result, you’ll comprehend the number of benefits MMA training can grant. 

Best KO Combos in UFC

Should you learn MMA?

If you want to become a solid fighter, learning MMA should be one of your primary considerations. Additionally, it’ll assist you in getting in shape. Thus it’s practical and valuable. 

Learning MMA is wise if you’re interested in learning a dynamic martial art. You’ll become a solid fighter while managing your body weight. As a result, there’s no losing. Moreover, it combines various techniques to make you a rounded fighter. Therefore, it’s effective for self-defense. 

1. Kickboxing

Kickboxing is a martial art that utilizes kicking and punching to knock an opponent. Because of that, it’s relevant for self-defense. Moreover, you burn up to 900 calories in an hour of Kickboxing. As a result, managing your body weight and getting into shape will arrive naturally.

I’m a big fan of Kickboxing. It’s a suitable martial art for self-defense and fitness purposes. Therefore, many people do it specifically to get into shape. Eventually, they’ll learn to fight appropriately, which is highly desirable in today’s world. 

From personal experience, seeing success with Kickboxing comes shortly after starting. Staying consistent isn’t as challenging as other martial arts, such as Karate. Hence you’ll notice your body changing fast. 

“The findings of the present study revealed that 5-weeks of kickboxing training involved significant improvements in aerobic power (i.e., MAP and VO2MAX), anaerobic fitness…”


According to the study, five weeks is all it took to notice significant improvements in one’s physical shape. Because of that, you’ll experience such benefits in your training in a similar amount of time. 

The following video demonstrates a basic Kickboxing workout. If you want to train at home cheaply, I recommend buying this punching bag combined with these MMA gloves. By doing so, you’ll become capable of progressing at home without any monthly costs. 

Home Kickboxing Workout

Should you learn Kickboxing?

While Kickboxing isn’t as simple as Boxing, it’s effective. As a result, learning it is wise. You’ll become a solid fighter who knows to get hit without moving an inch. However, you may concentrate on the fitness aspect of it. 

If you’re interested in getting into shape quickly, I recommend Kickboxing. Additionally, it’s a fun workout you can do with your friends. Because of that, you’ll notice yourself progressing and staying consistent with ease. Thus I recommend learning it. 

Do martial arts make you fit?

Martial arts will make you fit because they’re intense activities. As a result, you’ll burn more calories. For instance, Kickboxing can burn up to 900 calories per hour. Because of that, managing your body weight becomes effortless. 

Will martial arts get me in shape?

Martial arts will get you in shape because they improve your aerobic and anaerobic conditions. As a result, you’ll become more capable of physical exercise. Thus you’ll get in shape and manage your body weight with ease. 


Eventually, martial arts will help you get into shape quickly. As a result, you’ll become more capable of fighting and better your physical condition. As such, doing one suitable for you is valuable. 

If you’re interested in learning a fighting style, I recommend reading an article about the best martial arts for beginners. It’ll help you make a wiser choice. Therefore, you’ll stay consistent and progress more quickly. 

You can also sign up for our Email Newsletter to keep up with our blog posts and gain access to free martial arts/self-improvement courses!

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The 5 Best Martial Arts to Learn at Home – List

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I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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