5 Best Martial Arts for Fighting Multiple Attackers

Best Martial Arts for Multiple Attackers

You might get attacked by multiple attackers. Now, stopping such an attack is incredibly challenging. In fact, the odds of you winning, even when you have mastered a martial art—are quite slim. Because of that, knowing which martial arts are the best for fighting multiple attackers—is crucial, which is what we’ll do in this article.

The best martial arts for fighting multiple attackers are MMA, Jeet Kune Do, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Kickboxing. Because these martial arts teach exceptionally effective fighting techniques, your chances of beating numerous attackers increase. However, accomplishing such a feat is still demanding. 

Although these fighting styles are suitable for such a purpose, achieving it will be challenging. Not only are you facing a single capable individual, but two or more. That means double or more physical force. Thus the ball is 100% in their court. 

To overcome such an inferior position, one must train solely for such a purpose. By training specifically for that purpose—will you be capable of overcoming a situation where all the odds are against you. And trust me, it has been done before, which means that you can do it too.

The following list is the best martial arts for multiple attackers by order from best (#1) to not as good but still effective (#5.)

  1. MMA
  2. Jeet Kune Do
  3. Krav Maga
  4. Muay Thai
  5. Kickboxing

Before we dive in, I’ve seen success training martial arts at home. However, I wouldn’t have accomplished that without the appropriate equipment. I use this punching bag (Amazon) combined with these MMA gloves (Amazon). I recommend you buy them to progress outside of training. 

5. Kickboxing

Kickboxing is a martial art that utilizes striking and kicking to knock out an opponent. Elite fighters who use such a fighting style understand how to direct massive amounts of physical force to a single hit. 

Kickboxing is suitable for dealing with multiple attackers because it teaches practical techniques. As a result, you’ll know to use them appropriately and direct your force to knock a single opponent. Thus you’ll be capable of overcoming an inferior situation where you face multiple opponents. 

Andrew Tate (Kickboxing Highlights)

To fight numerous attackers, you must be in top shape. Not only will you have to throw powerful punches quickly, but you’ll also have to keep moving. As a result, you must have sufficient aerobic exercise. Picture two attackers attacking an out-of-shape individual. They’ll be capable of tiring him before they inflict any massive damage. 

kickboxing-practice was effective to change many physical variables. Thus, this activity can be useful for enhancing physical fitness, but complementary activities and nutritional interventions should be necessary.” (Source)

Because of that, you’ll be in top shape when practicing Kickboxing. Although that’s not the only factor, you’ll be able to sustain yourself during such an encounter. That’s one of the reasons Kickboxing is effective for multiple attackers. 

If you’re doing Kickboxing and want to progress at home, I wrote a complete guide to training martial arts at home. I highly encourage you to read it as it’s one of my most researched article.

Lastly, Kickboxing will benefit you. First, it’ll increase your self-confidence. Such a trait is highly desirable in today’s world. Additionally, it’ll grant you the self-trust to overcome numerous hostile situations. 

Secondly, You’ll have higher pain tolerance. As such, you’ll be capable of getting hit without moving an inch. Because Kickboxing training involves drills where you get hit, you’ll get used to the feeling. As such, it’ll assist you in a multiple attackers scenario. 

4. Muay Thai

Being aggressive is one of the vital aspects of dealing with multiple attackers. As a result, the fighting style you’ll learn will affect your physical capabilities. Muay Thai utilizes various punching, kicking, and grappling techniques to knock out an opponent. 

Muay Thai is suitable for dealing with multiple attackers because its techniques are practical and lethal. As a result, you’ll be able to knock out various opponents quickly. Yet, overcoming such a scenario will require you to be proficient in it. 

Muay Thai is different from Boxing because it involves grappling techniques. As a result, you’ll be able to pin an opponent to the ground. While that isn’t as effective for multiple attackers, it may assist. Yet, you must understand the level of skill it’ll take to beat two attackers. 

Not only will you need to knock out one hostile, but you’ll have to ensure you’re the second one isn’t attacking you. That way, you’ll be able to beat them. That said, it sounds somewhat uncomplicated on paper. However, every situation will differ, and therefore the solution will as well. 

One of the best Muay Thai elite fighters is Rodtang. If you’re unfamiliar with him, he’s one of the best. I recommend watching the following video, as you’ll know what to expect from training. 

Rodtang Highlights

Overall, Muay Thai is suitable for dealing with multiple attackers because of its training. You’ll become a solid fighter from the techniques you’ll learn and the way you’ll do them. For instance, you’ll know to get hit without paying attention to it. At first, you may crumble when you get hit; However, as you’ll progress, you’ll get hit without moving an inch. 

3. Krav Maga

Krav Maga is a self-defense system known for starting in the Israeli military. They wanted to teach their operators how to protect themselves quickly. Because there’s no spare time in special forces training, Krav Maga is a suitable choice for them.

Krav Maga is suitable for fighting multiple attackers because it’s practical and effective. You’ll learn many techniques, including striking, kicking, grappling, and choking. Additionally, you’ll learn to adapt. Because it’s dynamic in its nature, you’ll know to overcome many scenarios. 

Additionally, you can expect many benefits from training in Krav Maga that’ll assist you in dealing with numerous hostiles. For instance, you’ll better your physical shape and have a higher pain tolerance. As a result, you’ll become more capable of dealing with such situations. 

Besides, Krav Maga is highly effective in street fights. It affects its trainees positively. The following list is the reasons Krav Maga is suitable for street fights. Read more on this topic in an article I wrote on whether Krav Maga is suitable for street fights

  • Increases aggression levels
  • Its training resembles street fights
  • Improves awareness
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Teaches practical skills

As you can see, Krav Maga is an incredible self-defense system. Because it’s as powerful as it is, you’ll notice many people train in it, which is one of the reasons for its rising popularity. That said, some people aren’t fans of it. The main criticism they have on it—is that it’s unrealistic.  

My response to that is that’s partially true. Like other martial arts, you’ll have unqualified schools teaching various martial arts, which we call mcDojos. These are schools that don’t teach martial arts appropriately.

“. . . exercisers can expect a moderateto-vigorous intensity workout that teaches self-defense techniques while simultaneously providing a full-body workout.”


When speaking about Krav Maga, many schools don’t teach it accordingly. Instead, they’re going for views and clout. That said, we need to ignore that fact and get into a qualified school.

The following video is a realistic Krav Maga demonstration. I recommend you watch it. It also shows how to deal with multiple attackers. 

Krav Maga Demo

2. Jeet Kune Do

If you’re unfamiliar with Bruce Lee, you must be living under a rock. He was one of the most famous martial artists in history. Additionally, he was a movie star. Lee was the one who brought martial arts to the world’s attention. As a result, he became widespread. In his life, he constructed a fighting style and named it Jeet Kune Do. 

Jeet Kune Do is a fighting style that combines many techniques to make you a solid fighter. Additionally, you’ll learn to fight multiple attackers because it focuses on street fights and self-defense. Hence it’s effective for such a purpose.

Today, elite UFC fighters use Jeet Kune Do to enforce their fighting style. There were many instances where a boxer finished a fight using a Jeet Kune Do technique. They are lethal. Thus they can use them to cause massive damage quickly. 

The following video shows some Jeet Kune Do techniques in MMA. I highly recommend you to watch it, as you’ll see what you’ll learn. Additionally, notice the style of the movements. Their purpose is to cause massive damage quickly. 

Jeet Kune Do in MMA

JKD is one of the most respected forms of martial arts. If you want to know why, I wrote an article discussing that. 

Jeet Kune Do utilizes a combination of techniques to beat the opponent. It’s similar to Krav Maga and MMA in a sense. You’ll learn grappling, choking, striking, and kicking. As a result, you’ll become a complete fighter. 

The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate, or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt to any style. He kicks too good for a Boxer, throws too good for a Karate man, and punches too good for a Judo man.

Bruce Lee

I finished this section with this quote out of respect because I greatly appreciate Bruce Lee’s lifework. I comprehend the influence he had on martial arts and their place today and hope you are too.

1. MMA

The best fighting style one can learn for fighting multiple attackers is MMA. Mixed martial arts is one of the most dynamic and practical fighting styles one can learn. Today, UFC is the most popular platform for martial arts worldwide.

MMA or mixed martial arts is the best martial art for fighting multiple attackers because it’s dynamic and adaptive. Its trainees can adapt to any situation because their skillset is broad. As a result, overcoming such scenarios is more manageable. 

For instance, various MMA fighters use Jeet Kune Do combined with Boxing. As a result, they’re positively capable fighters. Thus overcoming situations, such as multiple attackers—will be more manageable. 

I wrote an article on the best MMA combinations. If you’re interested in learning it, I recommend you give it a look. 

Today, MMA is a leading martial art, and therefore many solid schools teach it. As such, it’s highly desirable to learn it. Overall, if you’re looking for a dynamic martial art for self-defense and street fights, MMA is a suitable choice. 

MMA incorporates many techniques that are valuable for multiple attackers’ situations. For instance, you’ll learn striking, kicking, and grappling techniques. Additionally, you’ll learn to combine them to create a better style. As such, beating multiple attackers—will become possible.

The following video demonstrates the possibilities you’ll have when you learn MMA. Notice the techniques and how the fighters use them to gain an advantage. 

Top MMA Moments in January 2023

How to fight multiple attackers?

First, you need to understand that facing such a scenario is demanding. Mainly, you won’t match the physical force of two or more individuals. As a result, you’re already at a disadvantage. Because of that, you must train accordingly to prepare yourself for such a scenario. 

To fight multiple attackers, you must train for such a scenario specifically. As a result, incorporating drills where you face two people is crucial to success. Furthermore, dealing with the weakest individual is a suitable rule to follow when facing two or more hostiles, which will help you come out on top.

Overall, the odds of you winning such a scenario are slim. Because you’ll have to face more than double your physical force and capabilities, you’re at a disadvantage. As such, getting rid of as many attackers as early as possible—is vital. Because of that, targeting the weakest link and then focusing your efforts on the more considerable individuals is crucial. 

Will martial arts help me fight multiple attackers?

The essence of martial arts is learning to fight. As such, to know to use physical force appropriately you should train in one. Although that’s the case, some fighting styles aren’t as valuable as others. Because of that, knowing which ones are practical—is crucial. 

Martial arts will help you fight multiple attackers because it’ll teach you valuable skills that help in such a scenario. You’ll learn to strike, kick, grapple, or submit an opponent. Such movements will provide high value to dealing with a multiple attackers scenario, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

The fighting styles I mentioned in this post are the ones I recommend you learn. Overall, you shouldn’t pick your martial arts by this factor. Instead, you should train in a martial art you want to study its skills. 

For instance, if I want to learn to strike, I might choose Boxing. That said, if I want to study grappling, I will pick Jiu-Jitsu.

If you dedicate yourself and stay consistent, you’ll be solid to fight multiple attackers. Remember that you must train specifically for such a scenario. Otherwise, you won’t have any experience. 


Fighting multiple attackers is one of the most challenging tasks in martial arts. Some will claim you cannot beat more than two hostiles. While that may be true, you can prepare yourself for such a scenario with suitable training. 

Yet, you can choose the fighting style you want to learn if you know which ones are the best for such a scenario. Eventually, these martial arts will make you a solid fighter. You’ll know to get hit without moving an inch. Additionally, you’ll understand how to attack and cause massive damage.

If you want to know which martial arts you should learn, I recommend you to follow the link to an article of mine. 

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I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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